Chapter 5 : The Beat Up

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Me and gerald have been together for around three official years. Our relationship started of good. It was nice when it was a secret but then everyone found out when i helped him after the incident. But then Gerald was involved in the crash witch lead him to loose both legs having them both amputated. After breaking up with me after he found out what had happened to him he got back with me as he was confused and felt like it was what he had to do. But we were happy for a while and he was confident. UNTIL...

One day i woke up and made breakfast and took it up to gerald. He threw it on me saying. "I am not a fucking invalid." I felt so sad and just wanted to curl up and cry all i was doing was being caring and i know he diddnt want to be diffrent but i just wanted to treat him how he deserves to be treated. But u knew how it fekt when people fussed over me so I do get where he is coming from. "Im sorry gerald i was only doing it because i care about you and you can spend more time in bed." As i clean all the food of of me he says "Im sorry. Its just my decison has changed us. If this never happened i would be making you breakfast and bring it up to you while you stay in bed." I suggest "Thats just steriotypical. A woman can treat a man it doesnt alway have to be the other way around." i know he diddnt mean it that time but this other time i know he did. He does have to take painkillers and a few other medications but i diddnt think they could make his personality diffrent. Lashing out unexpectedly over tedius things.

But this time it went to far. Gerald was down stairs and i was getting ready to go out with banter. So i wore a lovley pink dress it wasnt to short but it was short enough for me to feel my age. I walked down the stairs and gerald is there. He says "Where the fuck do you think your going?" I walk past him looking for my phone and he says "Well answer me." I answer him and say "Im going out with banter and a few other people just becaus ei havent had a night out for a while and alphie is going to come here and you can have a boys night in." He looks angry and says "You are trying to get my friends to stay in with me. I will look like a fucking boring person. Are you trying to imbarrase me?" I say "No i though you would just like to stay in with your friend." He gets up and slaps me saying "You make me look like an invalid and now you are choosing where i go for a night in." He seemed like i was controlling him but he was controlling me really. "Im sorry i thought it would be a nice idea." When he hit me on the face he hit me with passion. This wasnt the geardl i knew and most certanly wasnt the gerald i fell in love with. The he hits me with his fist."Geardl please stop i know your hurting and i know your fustrated im sorry i planned what you were going to do. If you dont want to do that then i can cancel it you can do what you want." Then he punches my stomach. "Ow gerald stop." But he doesnt stop its like a demond has possessed him and he cant controll himself and then i smell it on his breath he has been drinking. Im holding my stomach when i take the last breath. "Youve been drinking" After that last sentance he kicks me and thats when I fall to the ground as he carries on hitting. Then he leaves as i am left lying there.

my phone buzzes on the floor and i see the name "Banter." I answer it "HELP, HELP." she shouts "Jess whats wrong?" I shout back "The house help im on the floor." Taking breath that i can barly take. She says "Im coming." As i wait for her to come to my aid my head bleeds out and i fall uncotious.

The next thing i know im in hospital. I look to my right and see my mum hayley. she says "Baby its okay your safe now." I look at her and say. "What happened." she replies "You called banter and she found you she has just gone to phone alphie to find gerald. Who did this to you?" I remember everything but i dont want to get gerald in to trouble he has been through so much. "Um I dont know. There was a man at the door i think and he well he wanted money i said i diddnt have any and he just started punching me for no reason." A lie is never good. "Gearald went out with a mate to a party i said it was okay he has been through so much and just needs a break so if he doesnt answer thats why." Why am i justifying what he has just done? Because i love him and i know this isnt him. This is the alchole not him.

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