chapter 8 : He's The One

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After so long receiving texts from Nathan that never meant anything and he diddnt take his threats any further there was this one text I knew he was going to take action on. I was sitting at school with banter, alphie and callettee. If you diddnt know callettee wanted to protect me so much he got back into school even though he gave up on it years ago. He only did it to protect me but this particular day he diddnt come to school he stayed at home. He picks and chooses its suprising they keep him on. It was lunch time and I got this strange text from Nathan. "I'm waiting out side its been way to long I want my money back now." He obliviously really needed the money but sadly for me I diddnt have it. I tell alphie and banter "I'm just going for a bit of fresh air." Then they look worried. But I walk outside and I see Nathan. He holds something shiny in his left hand. It was a knife. "So what's your plan? If I have the money and I give it to you your gonna kill me?" He laughs "I know you dont have it so I brought something to punnish you. I've waited way to long for my money why should you get of for it. If I don't do this to you or have the money then I'm dead so I have only one choice you had two choices." I turn around to walk away. And then he strikes. "I'm sorry I never wanted anything like this to happen to you." How and why could he even be sorry when all he wanted to do was this at the end of the day it's all his nature. Then I fall to the ground with in seconds alphie and banter and some teachers come running out. I say "Jessica what happened?" I then reply with. "All be quiet." I start my sentence as blood pours out of me a teacher is calling an ambulance. I carry on saying what I was saying. "I just want to say I love you all. I love how much you have all helped me through the tough times. If this is the end of want to thank you all for all the have helped me with." Alphie says "just shut up." Then banter says "babe don't be rude she could die here." Then I say "This isn't a big fat joke. I could acctually die. But I caused this on my self. I just... just love you all. Tell callettee I love him so much. And I'm sorry." Then I fall out of consciousness.

Two weeks later I wake up after being in a coma because I was lost lots of blood. I open my eyes and the first thing or should I say person I see is callettee. He says "Jess your awake!" I try to smile but then I get this massive shock of pain. "Ow. Ow. Ow. It hurts." He looks at me and says. "I'll go and get a nurse." I shout. "No, No, No im fine come and sit down stop making a fuss of me." Then as he sits down I ask. "What happened?" He looks at me and says "You've been stabbed. Jessica Nathan stabbed you. He's finally been arrested. You may hurt a bit. But the most important thing is that you are okay and he is picked up." I say "He stabbed me? That wasn't just I my dreams." Then  callettee says "You thought you were going to die and look your still here. I was so worried about you I'm never leaving your side ever again." I say "you can't trap me. I will be fine and you said he's been arrested he can't hurt me now." Then callettee says "He has lots of mates and gang members so you'll never be safe. But with me by your side you will be safe. I will protect you. But I am not coming of as a stalker or anything I just want to protect you."

After a while after I woke up and took time to fully recover. I finally get to go to the comfort of my own home and bed. Your own bed is the most important  thing right? Who hates a hospital bed? I think everyone.

But one day something clicked with me and callettee but that story begins here...

So I've had so many failed relationships. I mean we'll Ray when I was ten that wasn't a proper relationship that was just a childhood crush that only turned to something because we thought we knew what we felt but let me tell you it wasn't love, then there is rhyan when I was eleven that didn't last long but we stayed as friends and we found out that was the best thing for us but one day he stopped answering my texts, and then there is gerald well I thought we were bonnie and clyde and were for keeps but clearly not, then there is harry. My relationship with harry I will be honest was a rebound from gerald. So where was I when I found the one? Well to be honest with you I was sitting on my living room sofa acctually. not watching TV.

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