Chapter 11: Car Smash

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Christmas is supposed to be filled with joy and happiness. But I was running from a problem. And HIT. My life is over within a second. The black wall is all i could see and i thought i was dead.

I spent a whole month in hospital i was fine and only came of with some scratches and fractures. callettee sat next to me the whole time i spent in hospital but I diddnt speak to him the guilt of making him feel worried about me i hated myself. I was ashamed of myself. I caused all of this on myself. "Jess talk to me. This has gone on for long enough. Its been a whole month since the accident. Just look at me at least." I look at him for the first time since the accident. In shame and hatred. "What do you want me to say? Im sorry i kissed another man and ran away and caused harm on myself. Is that what you really want. I thought you dont take apolagies. Or maybe you found someone better than me and this is your quick way out." He holds my hand and says "You are so wrong. Im not trying to get a quick way out i love you jess and i would never do anything to hurt you because i know it would destroy you and well i love you so so so much. Im not blaming you for anything I know you were ashamed but you dont need to. I know you and gerald are history I love you jess." I turn away looking at the wall. "Im sorry but i dont belive you. I dont belive you can still love me after i kissed gerald. It diddnt mean anythint i promise but you must hate me. If you kissed your ex i would hate you and never trust you again so i dont blame you if you feel the same."

he smiles and i dont know why. He says. "I wouldnt blame you if you would do that if i did kiss my ex but you dont have that problem i dont have an ex. And well i dont wanna break up with you. You are the one i love and i will protect no matter what mistakes you make. How many times do i need to say i love you jess." I smile and we lean in for a kiss. At this moment someone walks into my room. I turn around and see who it is. VICTORIA. She decides to come now when im at my highest and not my lowest. "Why the fuck are you here?" she looks me up and down and i say "I only came of with some scratches, bruises and broken bones." she says "I saw what happened on the news online when i found out it was you i booked a flight streight away as it diddnt say what state you were in." I shout "So you would come if i was basically dead and now what your dissapointed that im okay and alive. Your sick you are. I thought we had eachothers backs. You care more about your family than you do me. My family gave you life, purpose and freedom and you just chuck it in our faces. Where were you when i cried out for help when i was so low and down and needed my sister to talk to. Oh wait i know where you were you were to buisy with your family because that dont inculde me anymore. Fuck of back to america i dont need to using me in your life anymore."

She looks at me concerned. "You were crying out for help why? And who is this?" She doesnt know that me and Gerald split and that i met callettee again. she will probably say hes a bad influence but hes the total opposite. "I was so lonley after me and gerald split up. We split up because he started drinking and i diddnt even know he had a drinking problem. Well cut the long story short he was abusing me. He would hit and punch me and well the last night together he attacked me and pushed me down the stairs and i was left lying on the floor. After we split i was so lonley i diddnt see a reason to live in this world anymore. So there is the low down on my life since you abandoned me. And this is callettee and old, old friend well he saved me when i was at my lowest, he made me feel safe and now we are an item." I see tears pour out of her eyes. she says "Jessica im so sorry. I belived you were okay without me. Now i see you wernt. Ive missed to much in your life since i left im so so so sorry. Im sorry that i cared more about my family than you. Its hard because i wanted to meet my family and you diddnt have any left. It must of been horrible. I knw i have hurt you jess."
I say "Well it did hurt but you did what you needed to. Im not saying i would but if i was in your pesition i would probably do the same. Im not saying i would but posibably. Look i dont blame you. They are your family and you would be wondering for the rest of your life and you would hate me for stopping you from going so no i dont blame or hate you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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