Chapter 7 : Starting over

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When the clock struck midnight on the first of January i knew after breaking up with gerald and feeling alone the best thing for me is a fresh start. Callettee is still living with me but at the moment we are still just friends and well he is at work most of the time witch makes me think he is trying to avoid me. I wanted to do this by starting sixth form at my former school. Witch I left when after geralds incident.  I had to look after him and well diddt see a point in school anymore. So I wanted to Make new friends and new memories. The thought of moving on from him was instant. Me and Gerald have been on and off ever since we broke up but now I have made it clear we are finished for good. It was time I  moved on and was happy. But I was still getting those texts from Nathan and diddnt see how I could be completely happy. But I did my best to ignore the texts as all of his threats diddnt acctually turn into anything real.

So banter and alphie go to this school to and they have this friend called Harry. He's cute and so my type. But was it to soon to move on? I remeber the first time me and harry met. "Hey im harry your looking gorgeous today." I smiled and said "I'm Jessica. When I'm in trouble or people feel sorry for me I'm jess. Am I not beutiful everyday." He looks worried and suggests "it's the first day meeting you. I'm sorry diddnt mean to hurt your feeling." I laugh and say "only messing with you." You can see he likes me. He's so nervous around me.

A tannoy calls out my name to go to the support leaders office. Everyone around me goes "ooohhh" I'm miss popular as I have a bad reputation at this school. I head to her office and she asks me to take a seat I sit down and she starts to talk. "Jessica we want to make sure you are ready for this step. It is going to be hard and we know you have had a hard break up with Gerald you were high school sweet hearts and for you we know that it must of been hard. We heard you spent a little time in hospital after you felt so alone. We hope you are fully recovered. And we know you will need someone to support you." I tell her "I have my friends they can support me not someone that doesn't know me." She looks at me and says "I was more thinking victoria." Victoria has been gone for a very long time. She hasn't even bothered to message me. "Shes in America she's probably found her real family and living the life she's always wanted. I have malcolm and callettee my good friends who have come back to help and support me but I have my friends at school and they support me. It was just a dark time where i was alone km okay now." She looks at me and smiles. "I'm glad to hear you have support around you. You can go back to class now."

I head back to class and harry smiles. "You came back in one piece then?" I laugh. "It's like being talked to by a dragon. Honestly I don't know why they harass me so much." He laughs. "I suppose it's nice they care. So how are you?" I look into his eyes and say "im feeling better know i know you."
He smiles and says "this is going to sound stupid but I'm going to say it anyway. I know we have known eachother for like a few hours but since I layed my eyes on you. I got this butterfly feeling. That feeling when I'm around you makes me nervous and happy. All confused really. I don't really know but I feel this connection between me and you. I like you jessica. I would like to know you better." We look into each others eyes anc edge closer until our lips lock. This was a shock to me and the most unexpected thing I have ever done. "Wow I diddnt see that coming but I could feel something would happen if that makes sense." He says "I'm sorry I've over stepped the mark." I rushed into a relationship with gerald and look where that ended us at? "Jp you haven't over stepped the mark. I just think we need to knoe eachother more before we make an relationship real." He looks at me. "I agree."

But unexpected just like that we kiss. Everything was moving so fast. I mean everything since gerald was moving so fast. With in two weeks of getting to know eachother better we decided to make our relationship official and  public after only two weeks it diddny seem longenough to belive we could live eachother but I think I needed that distraction from breaking up with gerald and I needed to prove I can move on. We would hang out every day and just be that couple you see in a movie the couple that were unbreakable. But that's what I thought me and gerald were and look where that ended up.

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