Chapter 4 : life threatening

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I know I've probably said this before but I'm saying it again. Things happen in life when you least expect them to. Me and Gerald moved into our own house. We diddnt buy it but his dad Brough for us. Victoria went to america in search of her real family not because she doesnt appreciate our family but because mum and dad died and well she still has a mum and dad that lifes to short not to meet them and get to know them.

I woke up and I went to feel if gerald was there but where he normally sleep was empty I open my eyes and all I see is a letter. It says "Hey jess I diddnt want to wake you. I'm nipping to the shops to get a few bits for breakfast so stay in bed and I will hand deliver your breakfast." Aww he's so sweet. A few seconds later I hear a screach of car wheels and someone scream. I look out the window  and there is someone on the floor and a lorry and a motor bike that seems to of crashed. At this point I had a sunken feeling in my stomach. Gerald has a motor bike but rarely drives it due to me being so scared of him having an accident. But I ran out as a nobal neibour and say "is everything okay?" The lorry driver comes out says "He came out of nowhere." I look at the person who is lying on the floor. He seems to be the man that has come of the motor bike.then I see the ting of his finger it says "Jess" I fell to the floor. "Nooooooo GERALD." I couldn't breathe and the man from the lorry called an ambulance and was asking me questions that I couldn't answer. All that came out was "he's my boyfriend." A few minuets pass and an ambulance arrives. I get in the van with gerald and say to them "is he going to get okay?" They both look at me "I'm sorry we are not aloud to comment on that. The doctors will do all they can. We just need to get him there as quick as possible."

We arrive at the hospital and they rush him to a room and send me the the relatives room. Ian another ex of hayleys walks in. "Someone told me you were here. You have grown." I laugh and say "well you were about nineteen when you last saw me and I was like five or what ever." He laughs as well then I look to the floor and he asks. "Why are you here jess?" I look at him and say "My boyfriend has been in a motor bike versus a lorry. He isn't going to be okay he can't be." He tries to calm me down. "Jessica have you been told anything yet." I reply with "No. But he wasn't moving and they said it was serious and they couldn't tell me if he was going to be okay." The doctor comes through and asks me "I have some news to tell you. Would you like Ian to leave? It is sensitive information and support of family and friends would be good." I say "Yes i would likr him here. He's the only support I have right now. He's my cousins ex he supported me alot when they were together. I  need some support." The doctor looks worried and says. "We are going to take gerald up to theatre to have an operation. It is very serious and we are worried about his legs. They were crushed in the accident when he came in we did a test to see if he had any feeling in them and we had no reaction. We did take in to concideration that he was in lots of pain and mostly out of it. But we have to think of the worst possibilities for him and his future. We will try our best and hope for the best. If you have any other question jessica please dont hesitate to ask." I feel shaken and shocked. "So are you saying that he may never walk again?" He looks at me. "Jessica like i said its to early to say we are just taking him to thetre now. Any questions you have after we know more please ask it is going to be hard for him if it doesnt turn out well but it will aslo be hard for people around him like you."

The doctor leaves and i cry into Ian's arms. He says "Do you want me to call Hayley?" I scream "Dont you fucking dare." He looks at me and says "Jessica what happened between you and hayley?" I look at him and say "Its a fucking long story but the short version is she left me and victoria because she fell pregnant with some other mans baby." Then i suggest. "Wait a minuet the baby isnt yours? Did she cheat on Mark with you?" He looks at me and stands up as i stand up in defence of mark. "Jessica i can explain." I shout. "No you cant. Mark was the only person who cared about us and he left in heart break. I feel so sorry for him. You and her broke up ages ago and what you just had a one night stand or what?" He looks at me and says "We diddnt mean to hurt Mark and we diddnt mean to hurt you." I shout again from the top of my voice. "Well you did hurt me and you hurt mark most of all. he was a good caring person and you just always get what you want. You left her for someone else because you were young and stupid and what now you want her back. You make a baby with her and she leaves us to defend for ourselves." I storm out and ian follows "Jessica please stay. you have been told shocking news and i dont want you to be left on your own." I turn around and say "Leave me the fuck alone. Your the one that ruined my life and victorias. we were left to fend for ourselves she was fourteen and had to get a job. do you know how fucked up that is? No i bet you dont. So leave me alone i dont want to ever see you again."

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