chapter 3 : When we met

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One year later life moved on. Life was normal now without mum. Me and Victoria lived our life just the two of us. Victoria turned manager at her job even though she was under descise as shes acctually only fourteen. But lying was our middle name like ive said befor and well we were good at it i guess because we had to be. Teachers were not suspicious anymore witch made it easier to go on like normal. I just said victoria had to move school because her real mum works here and she doesnt want to be in contact with her. I mean that was a massive lie but they diddnt ask who and diddnt ask any other questions. Snowdown school is full of boys as well as girls. I have a friend called Banter and she has a boyfriend called Alphie who i have known since primary school. We were good friends and they let me hang out with them. Me and Banter are in year eight and Alphie is in year ten.

One day me and banter were waiting for alphie at lunch time and we see him coming an talking beside him is this tall, dark haired, pale skinned hot looking boy. Who i have never seen in my life. I wisper to banter. "Who is that talking to alphie?" She looks and then comes back to my ear. "I have no idea but he looks so your type." I can agree with that. Me and banter have been friends since she met alphie in year seven. We have been inseprable. We love talking about boys well in her case alphie but in my case i tell her my type incase she stalks anyone on socials for me. I have always belived in meeting someone in person. They both reach the table and alphie says "This is gerald he is new to the school and is in all my classes so i said i would show him around and well i said he can hang around with us." My face glows as i can feel it getting hot. I say "Nice to meet you gerald im jessica and well i let my friends call me jess." He looks at me and says "Nice to meet you." He looks deep into my eyes as our eyes lock. Then banter interupts "Hey im banter alphies girlfriend." He shakes himself out of the daze and says "Sorry banter lovley to meet you to alphie has been talking lots about you." I look and banter and she looks at me. Shes giving me that look. The look we have talked about for a year. The look that she has match maked me with gerald and well shes never gave me that look. Shes always said there has never been the right person.

Gerald sits down infront of me and alphie sits down in front of banter. He starts asking me questions. "So jess tell me a bit about yourself so i get to know you more." I tease him and say. "Ask me questions that you are intregued to know the answers to." Banter looks and smiles. I think shes glad im getting on with someone. Ive always been gelous of hers and alphies relationship as they are so close even know me and alphie are close in friendship. Gerald begins with the questions. "So how many siblings do you have?" I answer "I have one and her name is victoria and she hates being called vic. But she was adopted by my parents before they had me because they thought they couldnt have children. But we calle eachother full sisters because thats all we have known." He smiles and says "Thats so lovley and its nice you feel confident to admit that and i love that you took one question in to a discussing. You are really confident." I smiles and say "Thankyou its nice that some people do understand." We are getting along like a house on fire. As gerald carries on with the questions the bell goes banter and alphie go but they leave us and we just carry on. "Normally that means go to your next lesson but i think we have a good excuse." He laughs and we look into each others eyes. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I think he likes me and thats why he is asking me that. i say in a flirty way "How would you feel if i did" He laughs again and says "I would be dissapoited." I look up and say "Why is that?" He looks up as well and this time our eyes lock like the moment we met. "Beacuse i felt a connection streight when i saw you." I reply with "I felt the same way and its a feeling i have never felt befor the butterflies that are flying around in my stomach mean you make me feel happy, on edge and nervous all in a good way. a way i have never felt before." As he gets his phone out he says. I think it will be a good time to exchange numbers and get to knoe eachother better. We exchange numbers and as he gives my phone back to me we hear the tannoy say. "CAN JESSICA WALDRIP AND GERALD EARL GILLUMN GO TO THEIR CLASSES IMIDIATLEY." We both laugh and at the same time say "Text you later."

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