Land of Ice

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It's been weeks since I tested positive for covid. I finally tested negative a while ago & most symptoms went away about a week ago. However, I'm still not quite the same it appears. I feel fine but it's taking me ages to think or write anything anymore. Even though it's been a lot harder to write this, we'll push through it until the end. Thank you all for your patience :)

Also, I was looking online to see if I could find more pictures of the DSMP horror au art that this was inspired by & I can't find anything anymore. It's bizarre. The link I published a few chapters ago no longer works. I managed to find a few more pieces of art that other people had republished but it appears the main creator just vanished. That's too bad. I wonder what happened.


The path up to the land of ice is hard & treacherous. Multiple times I have lost my footing and slid back down the hill, getting cut up by sharp stones along the way. I have thought about just lying there & waiting for death to come over & over again but I keep pushing on. It's hard, but I have to keep going. For what? I don't know. Maybe down the road is some other kind of murderous creature waiting for me along with a grizzly gory end but still, I walk. I stopped to rest a few times, but I'm always tired.

Philza appeared before me once again shortly after I started the long hike. I honestly forgot about him after finding out about Wilbur. He told me the land of ice was too cold for him, and that he would never go to the beyond. He then expressed his deep condolences about what happened to Wilbur & wished me luck. He genuinely seemed sad. I mean, after all, he was like a reader of a storybook. Watching me, the main character; getting attached & rooting for me only to remember that this was not actually a story. This was a dark place where people like me & Wilbur died. Now Philza would likely never see me again. He would not find out what happened at the end of the book. However, he could probably guess with what happened to all the fallen humans before me. That was it. I truly was all alone now.

As I walked, I noticed the chill in the air became more & more noticeable until eventually, it started to bite at my skin. I had Wilbur's torn bloodied coat draped over me like a blanket, but it did little good, considering how there were huge gaping holes in it. I started to see occasional clumps of snow & ice scattered here and there. Snow was one of the last things I expected to see down here. Sure, it was called the land of ice but with all the darkness here, I half expected the snow to be black or brown or something. Any color but bright cheery white.

Food was pretty scarce. There were quite a few bushes of red berries but I learned not to eat them after throwing up everywhere after I tried a few. A few blackish berries were scattered occasionally among the rocky cliffs & mound of snow. They seem safe to eat so far but they weren't as common as the red berries. My stomach always seemed empty, but I was hardly aware of the hollowness or the loud growls my stomach produced. I was hardly aware of anything really. I was trapped inside my mind. Replaying all the events that have happened.

What if Wilbur & I had never gotten lost back at the cabin? Would we still be safe at home or would we still have fallen into hell? Even if we did fall in still, what could I have done differently so I didn't get separated from Wilbur? If I had not trusted Tubbo & went to look for Wilbur and a way out on my own, could I have found him before it was too late? Even with all these things swirling around in my mind, I always came back to the moment I was kneeling outside the cave, Wilbur's coat in my hands. Stuck in the moment where I lost my brother forever.

I didn't always get along with Wilbur. He found me annoying at times & he teased me relentlessly but we were still close. We played all sorts of video games & hung out together all the time. We were still brothers, even if we didn't always get along. Tears sprung to my eyes just thinking about it but I didn't let them fall. I had to stay strong. I had to go home. If I got home then maybe I would come to realize this was all a bad dream. I would wake up in my soft warm bed, then go downstairs for breakfast where I would see Wilbur. Wilbur would tease me about my bed hair then maybe we would run off and play a game together.

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