Devastating Truths

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💥IMPORTANT💥 So very recently, I tested positive for covid. It's gotten pretty bad. The hospital gave me some meds to help with breathing and the fever, but I still stay in bed all day & don't do much. Luckily, I finished this chapter before I got sick. However, I wasn't able to look over it. I've tried but I just can't do anything. It's like there's something blocking my thoughts. I decided to publish this chapter anyway since I thought it was done. I don't know if the next chapter will come out next week. If it doesn't I'm sorry. There's not much I can do. Hopefully, I might be able to publish the next chapter in 2 weeks. Just wanted to let everyone know.


I finish reading the journal & look back up at Skeppy in horror. Skeppy opened his mouth as if he was trying to say something but no sound came out. Suddenly, a loud clatter came from the other room and a loud voice rang out.

"Skeppy? Tommy? Where are youuu?"

I look back at Skeppy. For once, his face wasn't emotionless. He looked panicked. He swallowed hard & walked back towards the other room. I slowly follow him. I feel my heart speed up as we get closer. I was foolish to think I had found another friend down here. When we reach the main room with the stone table in it, I see Bad & Skeppy sitting on the stone seats at the table. Skeppy looks at me with a grim look on his face while Bad stares at me with a huge smile. Bad's smile, which was almost charming to me once before, now looked sinister in the candlelight.

"I see Skeppy was showing you around the house. Sorry for any clutter there was." Bad says, still smiling.

I nod heavily, trying to think of a way to get out of here without calling much attention to myself. Bad tips his head at me.

"Well, aren't you going to have a seat?" He asks.

I hesitate for a moment, then carefully sit down in the stone chair, which now felt cold & uncomfortable despite feeling the opposite not too long ago. Bad hands me a plate full of muffins to me & Skeppy before biting into one he had on his own plate. Skeppy glances at me & takes a bite too. The muffins were light brown and looked like they had some kind of purple berry in them. It looked kind of good actually, but I knew better than to eat one. I wasn't going to make the same mistake I did with the gray people back in the village. Thinking back on what happened made me frustrated with myself. How could I have been so foolish? I was an idiot for trusting anyone down here.

I looked down at the wooden sword Tubbo had given me. Well, maybe I wasn't an idiot for trusting Tubbo, even if he wouldn't tell me about the way out of this world. He was kind to me & even sacrificed himself when the hunter with the pig mask attacked me. He must have been so sad when this Ranboo guy left with Skeppy. It sounded like they were close. I reached down and touched the sword, feeling the smooth wooden handle. I felt courage rise up within me. Skeppy's journal said there was a way out, and I was going to find it. I looked back up at Bad, who didn't seem as intimidating as he did a second ago.

I was going to find Wilbur. We would leave together and go home. If we were lucky, maybe we would run into Tubbo again, so I could say goodbye. I took a deep breath. I was going to leave now, and nobody was going to stop me. I suddenly jump up. My chair rumbles loudly as it scrapes against the hard stone floor. Bad & Skeppy look at me, both a little surprised. I can't be here. I needed to get out.

"What's wrong Tommy?" Bad asks, looking a little concerned.

I glare at him. I knew who he was now.

"Thanks for inviting me, but I have somewhere I need to be," I say firmly. "Goodbye."

I turn around to leave but stop in my tracks as someone suddenly grips my arm. I turn around surprised to see Bad standing there. He was sitting all the way across the room. How did he get up and grab me so fast? The confidence I had felt a moment ago faded. Bad wasn't just some human I could take. He was a 9ft demon. I feel my blood go cold as Bad speaks in an angry voice.

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