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A/N: Please don't be a silent reader, let me know what you think of this story and possible events you may want to happen in the next few chapters, or further on in the future. Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter...


"Shush, let her sleep, she had a long day yesterday."

"I know, but she should really eat something, she missed lunch and dinner yesterday. It's not healthy, especially since she needs her strength to fully recover."

At first I thought the voices were just a dream, but they were too close, too real.

Ugh, I did not want to wake up and actually have to deal with everything.

"Rory?" A voice whispered softly in my ear, I groaned and rolled over bumping into someone in the bed with me, I internally shrugged and pulled the duvet cover over me and whoever was in bed with me. I thought it would be Bucky, but somehow I could tell it wasn't.


"Aurora isn't here right now, leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as possible." I mumbled, with my face smushed into the pillow my head was resting on.

I heard a few different chuckles at my words.

After a short pause, I heard someone speak once again, "Told you she wasn't a morning person, and yet you still tried, idiot."

"Shushhhhhh," I groaned into the pillow, "It's too early."

"Aurora, it's already 8am."

In what world is 8am not early?

I huff out a puff of air and sit up in the bed, slowly blinking as my eyes attempt to adjust to the bright light.

"JARVIS close the blinds half way." Once the command is said, the room appears to dim slightly.

"Thanks." I mumble quietly.

I reach my hand out to my bedside table and grab my glasses once I feel them, placing them on my face. "So anyone want to tell me why you have woken me up at 8 in the morning?" Just then my stomach grumbles loudly, ugh.

When I look up this time my eyes finally adjust to the light and I find Nat, Tony and Thor stood in different spots in my room. "Can I help you?" I question when no one replies to my first comment.

"Ah well, we thought it would be best for you to eat something. So we made breakfast suited to your mortal needs." Thor states, his voice deep and rough.

"What Thor means is, he wanted to give you poptarts and call it a day. Rather than providing you with a nutritious breakfast." Tony gives Thor a pointed look, to which Thor has no reaction, either he doesn't see it or he doesn't care.

"Come eat, little lion." Thor hums.

"Lion?" Where has this nickname come from?

"Yes. Tony calls you Rory and I thought, hey that's similar to roar, and you know what roars?" He smiles brightly, his expression enthusiastic. He is clearly proud of this nickname's origin, still I can't help but tease him.


His expression falls at my words, "No. Well...yes, but so do Lions. So you are my brave little lion."

I'm not sure whether to embrace it or cringe. It's harsh, but the nickname may have to grow on me. So instead of raining on his parade, I just return his smile and pull the warm duvet off my body and climb out of the comfortable bed, placing my bare feet on the surprisingly warm rug covered floor.

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