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Yaggdrasil is the most popular DMMO-RPG (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) That came out in 2126. But now after 12 years the game has lost most of it's vibrancy so it's about to be shut down.

Reader pov

"Papa i don't want the game to shut down!" I tell my father. Oh yeah my name is Y/n Rose Trueblood. And i happen to have my own unique race of undead. Which is a True Vampire Queen. Also i was granted the ability to create 5 personal NPC's with Unique Races as well. Which i was given as a reward to me by the creator of the game for winning one of the hardest tournaments. Also i am the youngest of all the 42 Supreme Beings. Oh i should tell you about him. He is the Leader of our great guild. The Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown. Now back to the story.

Momonga Chuckles as i sit next to him along with one of the other members Hero-Hero. "Hello Hero-niisan!" i shout happily. "haha good to see you Y/n. As well as you Momonga." I nod and sit down while dad and Hero-Hero talk. "I'm glad you came for a little while. haven't seen you in a bit." My dad says. "Wow has it been that long? Time flies when your busy. i feel like how my avatar looks. Anyways being leader of the guild really suites you. Also second in command suites you well Y/n. Well i got to get going have work in the morning. Maybe we can meet sometime IRL." Hero-Hero has logged off.

Momonga pov

Momonga: "yeah in real life when would that be?" I say then slam my hand on the table. "How could he just give up on the guild like that!" I feel y/n put her hand on mine. "No he didn't i am just being selfless." "Papa how about we walk to the main hall one more time?" I chuckle and get up. Walking over to the staff that everyone worked so hard on. The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. "Yeah that sounds nice." I walk out of the room with Y/n by my side. I look to see Sebas-chan and the Maids of The Pleiades. "Umm what was the command?" "It was follow me."

Reader pov

As we walk out is see my own NPC's. i look at them. The strongest is named Diablo. He is tall with black hair with a red streak. And is a Primordial Devil Lord. 

He is loyal to the point where he can get annoying

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He is loyal to the point where he can get annoying. but he is one hell of a fighter.

My 2nd NPC"s and the one who is a master of magic Miketsukami Soushi

My 2nd NPC"s and the one who is a master of magic Miketsukami Soushi

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His Race is a Fox Yokai/ Demon Fox Deity. He is one of the more happy NPC's he loves to follow me around like a dog. More so then Diablo but i don't mind at all. 

My 3rd Npc is named Douma

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My 3rd Npc is named Douma. He is a Cryokinesis Primordial Demon Lord. He can be real childest but don't underestimate him. In battle he plays with his target then when they least exspect it. He goes in straight for the kill. 

My 4th Npc is named Gyutaro a Hemokinesis Primordial Archdemon

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My 4th Npc is named Gyutaro a Hemokinesis Primordial Archdemon. He likes to say in the shadows to keep watch over me. Even tho he is not my brother he still sees me as a little ister that needs to be guarded. When he gets into a fight he holds nothing back and goes straight for the kill. Tho if someone hits on me well lets just say it will be a real slow and painful death.

 Tho if someone hits on me well lets just say it will be a real slow and painful death

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And finally my last Npc is named Kokushibo. His class is Primordial Demon Master Swordsman. He is the most quite and calm of all my Npc's. He listens to everything i say and doesn't question anything. Also he keep Douma and Gyutaro in line when i am not around. 

"Follow me my guardians." i command them they bow and follow me in a cross formation. Diablo in front of me. Douma to my left. Gyutaro on my right. Miketsukami behind me. Kokushibo infront of Diablo Me and papa reach the throne room and walk towards our thrones. Sebas and Maids of The Pleiades Stand to the left while mine stand to the right as i sit in my thrown. I smile thinking back to the old days when everyone was here. I look to see my papa doing something with his staff. "Wonder what he is up to?" i tell myself.

Momonga pov

"Hmm normally you can't change character data, but with my staff." I bring up Albedo's info and scroll through it. "Wait she is a bitch? hmm maybe." I delete that part and re-write. "Is deeply in love with Momonga and sees Y/n as a daughter. i'm such a dork." "Well then we better get some sleep after the servers shut down." i look at Y/n. "Ok papa." We close our eyes and wait.


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