chapter 6

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Y/n pov

"Wow his is good..i guess for a human." I mumble to myself as i see Gazef fighting all the Archangel Flame. Which is weird cause that is a Yggdrasil monster. So why is it here? Then i can tell he is going to die. But what pissed me off was that man saying he was going to destroy this village after we saved it. The only reason we saved this village is my papa sees value in it. "Hey papa shall we trade now?" I ask him. he nods and the item that papa gave Gazef activated and we switched places. Smirking we are now facing the enemy.

3rd person

Aniz chuckles at the confused look on the enemies faces. "Good evening Slane Theocracy My name is Ainz Oooal Gown. This next to me is my daughter." Y/n bows. "The Queen of The Night Y/n Ooal Gown! Or for short Y/n Oooal Gown and our bodyguard Albedo" "Hello human!" Y/n smiles. While Albedo says nothing. "I heard what you were saying about destroying this village. You see i have a bit of a relationship with it." "Have you come the beg for the lives of the villagers?" Y/n laughs. "No you idiot human. When you announced that you and your men were going to destroy the village then massacre the villagers. Bothered me and my papa so much. That being very offensive."

"Offensive? Big words from a child and a magic caster." now those words pissed Y/n off a lot including Albedo and Ainz. "Now you made me angry.  "I was going to ask you to offer your live to me. I can promise you will die peacefully and without pain. But now i changed my mind you will die in despair for your insults towards my daughter and this village."

y/n pov

"Have the angels attack them." The blonde human ordered as the angels rush towards us. i just smirked when the angels stabbed my papa which kinda pissed me off. "How pathetic. This is what happened when you make stupid bluffs. "Hahahah!" I laugh out loud cause the blonde to have a confused look on his face. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" i hear my papa reply. i look to see him holding the angels with his hands. Even if they pierced my papa nothing happen. Or should say nothing could happen.  "Call them back." the blonde called to his  subordinates. "We did give them that order Lord Nigun." "Nigun? What a stupid name." I mumble to myself. The two angel slowly moved away from each other almost like they are being forced apart. Following that papa still standing not even hurt. "I told you didn't I? There is no way people like you could harm me with these weaklings." Papa was stabbed in the abdomen. "Impossible!" one of Nigun subordinates. Smirking i see papa slam the angels to the ground easily killing them.

"High Tier Physical Nullification. It's a passive skill that negates the attacks of weapons and lower tier monsters. Only those level above sixty could harm me. Papa slowly straightened up while he was talking. Looking back at the Sunlight Scripture's fear covering their faces. I hear them randomly casting spells.  Yet none of the magic spells even grazed papa's body.  Then i see Nigun order the last angel he has. Which is the Principality of Observation attacks me and papa.

3rd person pov

"Good grief i guess it in my.." "Papa can i destroy it please!" Chuckling Aniz nodded. "Alright! Y/n pointed her finger at the angel. "Hell flame." A small flame emerged from Y/n's fingers. To others it looked so feeble that anyone could blow it out if they wanted, but how wrong they are. As soon as it touched the angel. The Angel's body melted and vanished from the sky. "Easy." There was no trace of the Angel even being there. "No way how can this be? In just one hit." Nigun shouted in confusion. "It can't be! No impossible! Nobody can defeat a high tier angel with one attack! From a brat no less!" "Captain what should we do!?" "We will summon the highest rank angel!" He pulls out a crystal from his jacket.

Y/n pov

"Hey papa isn't that..." "Yes it would seem to be a Spell-sealing crystal?" "yeah it can hold anything except super tier magic. "Albedo i might need you." Papa calls out. Then Albedo stands in-front of us ready for battle. "Behold the glorious visage of the highest angel! Dominion Authority." What appeared was a mass of many shining wings, a pair of arms that was holding a scepter. That symbolized royal authority. "Wait wait that is all it is?" I speak confused on how this could be their secret weapon. "I thought something serious was going to appear."  "What!?" Nigun shouted. " How can you act like that in front of the angel of the highest order!" Nigun shouted. "No impossible! No your lying! Attack them with your Holy Smite!" Nigun shouted.

3rd person pov

The Attack looked like a direct hit on both Ainz and Y/n. "Hahaha! I was not expecting this! So this is what pain feels like!" Both Ainz and Y/n laugh a sick laugh. "You, you inferior lifeforms!" Albedo shouts. Which makes Nigun panic. "You dare bring harm to the man i love and the girl i see as my own daughter! you will know pain!" Albedo was about to attack when Ainz puts a hand on her shoulder. "That is enough Albedo." "But lord Ainz.." 

Y/n pov

"It's alright." I walk over and hug Albedo calming her down. "This is all going according to papa's predictions. Aside from how weak these angels are." "Now then I am sorry for her taking up my time. now then any last words Nigun?" i asks with an evil look on my face. Nigun looked stunned by the soft back and forth from me, papa, and Albedo. "I know it! You are Demon Gods!" He shouts which is starting to hurt my ears. "Papa my ears are hurting can we speed this up?" i ask. He chuckles and nods. "Black hole!" Right in the middle of Dominion Authority's body. a black hole appeared and sucked in the Angel leavening no trace behind. "Just who the hell are you people!?" Nigun asked again. "I have never heard a spell caster called Ainz Ooal Gown. or any one called The Queen of The Night! Just how the hell are you monsters!?"

" Like i said my name is Ainz Ooal Gown." "And you can call me Y/n Ooal Gown The Queen of The Night." "Well then lets end this shall we?" papa says. "I then see Nigun kneel down and start begging for his life. Even offering all his men. "Wow how low will you humans go? We already offered you a painless death, but no you had to be mean to me, my papa, and my mama! You are far to late." my eyes widen after what i said. "Lady Y/n!" I hear Albedo shout and hold me close.

Time skip

"That was so awesome! They where weak but i had fun." I talk out loud following Papa with Albedo fallowing behind filled with happiness of me calling her mother. "Well lets head back i have a few changes to make." With that we said goodbye the to village and gate home. When we got back we headed to the thrown room and sit down. Next to me was my five personal guards. With the others in front of us. "From now on i shall not be called Momonga!" He points to his flag. "Greater break item!" I could see everyone shocked. "You will now call me Ainz Ooal Gown! You may call me Ainz. if anyone has a problem with that let your voice be heard." Albdeo and the others bow. "We have heard you name and shall call you it from now on till the end of time." I smile. "Hopefully the others are somewhere here in this world. Then we can be a guild again.


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