Chapter 2

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At Francois Dupont High school, now in his civilian identity, and wearing a red backpack. Barry Allen walks up to the school, undetected by Ladybug.

Barry (TB): Good thing I wasn't followed by that weird Meta. Who knows what she would've done if she-


His thoughts were cut short after bumping into a blonde girl wearing a yellow designer jacket. Knocking her to the ground. She looks up at Barry furiously. But stops abruptly.


Barry: Sorry, my bad. I-

The two teens both stare directly at each other, their faces turning bright red.

Chloe: Wow! Uh, I-I mean... sorry?

Barry: No no, it's... it's my bad, I should have been paying more attention.

Barry quickly stands up and helps Chloe back on her feet.

Chloe: Thanks, say I don't think I've seen you here before, have I?

Barry: Not really, I just got here today.

Chloe: Well, in that case. I'm Chloe Bourgeois.

Barry: Nice to meet you. I'm Barry, Barry Allen.

They shake hands.

Barry: You must be the Mayor's daughter, right?

Chloe: How did you know that?

Barry: Simple, there's only one famous family in Paris with that last name.

Barry: Plus, I saw a magazine cover with the famous fashion designer, Audrey Bourgeois, on my way here. You both have the same eye color and facial features.

Slightly flattered, Chloe smiles.

Chloe: Well, it's nice to meet you, too.
Since you're new here, I can take you to Mr. Damocles' office.

Barry: Oh, you really don't have to-

Chloe: Oh come now, I insist!

Barry: Okay, if you say so.

Both Chloe and Barry head up the stairs, open the door, and have a seat, in Mr. Damocles' office. Upon first observation, Barry thought Mr. Damocles could've been mistaken for an owl.

Damocles: Hello, Ms. Bourgeois. Ah, you must be our new student, Barry Allen, right?

Barry: Yes, sir. Nice to meet you, Mr. Damocles.

Damocles: Likewise, let's get you set up.

He turns to his computer, trying to find the new student form and schedule.

Damocles: Ah, class scheduling midterm is so difficult, and on such short notice.

The printer starts up, and Mr. Damocles reaches for the documents.

Damocles: Right, well, there's your class schedule and room number, have a good day.

Barry: Thanks, same to you, sir.

Chloe squeals in delight.


Barry: That's great...who's Adrikins?

Chloe: He's only the most famous fashion model in Paris.
Come on, I'll introduce you to him.

She takes Barry by the arm and brings him to Ms. Bustier's class.

Barry: Whoa!

Now, in Ms. Bustier's classroom, Chloe enters the room, with Barry in tow.

Bustier: Hello there, you must be our new student, correct?

Barry: Yes, ma'am, Barry Allen.

Bustier: I'm Ms. Bustier, I'm sure our students will give you the same warm welcome as our second newest student, Lila Rossi.

Barry: Lila, who's that?

Bustier: You'll have plenty of time to meet everyone later.
But seeing as how Nino is absent today, you can have a seat next to Adrien.

Barry: Works for me.

He takes his seat next to a blonde boy, with a white jacket and a black with yellow, green, and blue lines, across the chest area.

Barry: So, you must be Adrikins, huh? Barry Allen.

He shakes the blonde boy's hand.

Adrien: It's actually Adrien, pleasure to meet you, though.
I see Chloe's taken a liking to you.

Chloe winks at both of them.

Barry: (Chuckles) Looks like it.

Marinette: Sorry I'm late, I-Wahhhh!


True to her usual clumsy nature, Marinette Dupain-Cheng trips through the doorway, and falls flat on her face. Right in front of Adrien and Barry's desk. Chloe bursts out laughing.

Barry gets up and helps Marinette get back on her feet.

Barry: You alright, miss? That seemed like some fall.

Marinette: Thanks, but this is nothing new. I'm pretty clumsy, so I'm used to it.

Marinette looks at Barry, intrigued.

Marinette: I don't think I've seen you before, have I?

Barry: No, but we can talk later at lunch. Wait, they do have lunch here, right?

Marinette: Of course.

Barry: Okay, great! Because I haven't had a thing to eat all day.

Bustier: (Chuckles) Okay, you two. You'll have plenty of time to chat later. But for now class is about to start.

Marinette and Barry: Yes, Ms. Bustier.

As they head to their seats, Barry leans in.

Barry (Whispers): Barry Allen, nice to meet you.

Marinette (Whispers): Pleasure.

They both take their seats and class starts. Lila looks on at Barry, suspiciously.

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