Chapter 8

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

There was a tense silence that filled the impala once they were on their way into the city. Dean drove with white knuckles into the city traffic. The sun was rising now, and the traffic was picking up, getting busier.

Sam sat stiffly, listening to Erin as she sat behind him and kept whispering to herself. "I'm stronger than the monsters" she said over and over again until Sam finally broke the silence.

"What was that back there, Erin? You seemed like a completely different person," he said, turning around to face her.

She looked up at him, her heart still beating, and her stomach twisting with nervousness. "I told you I could handle myself when it came to demons" she said quietly.

Sam saw this look of saddness in her eyes and immediately understood. Like him, she was forced into this life of his, this life of hunt or be hunted, kill or be killed. Her family needed her, and she had to do what was necessary to protect them.

Erin noticed the look of understanding that appeared in Sam's eyes. It was so intesnse, looking into them, that she had to look away, looking back out the window.

Dean glanced at Sam, who was still looking at Erin, before he returned his eyes back to the road. They were getting closer to the pier. "It's too light out to do anything once we get there. We'll get a hotel, rest up, and plan. When night falls we'll do what we need to do." Dean said, glancing in the rear view mirror and making eye contact with Erin, who nodded.

"You did good back there, Erin. Don't doubt yourself," Dean said. He was looking back at the road now.

"I don't want to be that person," she said. Her voice soft and sad. "That person is what got almost my entire family killed. I don't want that life," her voice was getting harder as she spoke.

After Dean had pulled into a motel set into an old building on the pier, he turned Erin with a serious and dark look on his face. "Sometimes people are destined for this life. You're a natural, Erin. You were born for this life. You should take pride in the fact that you're a hero, a protector of those who don't know better."

Sam was staring daggers at his brother.

Erin couldn't meet Dean's eyes. She knew it was true, that she was special, that she did something few other could. But did she ever really have a choice in the matter? She pushed open the door and exited into the misty ocean air of Seattle.

Dean turned to Sam then. "What?" he asked, noticing the look Sam was giving him.

"She has the chance to get out of this life, and you're trying to convince her to keep going?" Sam asked incredulously .

Dean opened his door. "She's got skill Sammy, we need more allies like her," Dean said matter of factly.

"She's just a kid Dean," but he was cut off by Dean shutting his door. With a breath, Sam let it go for the time being and got out of the car, walking over to Erin as Dean went in to get them all a room.

Erin was standing on the edge of a nearby dock and looking out over the Puget Sound. Sam walked up next to her and stood there, he didn't say anything.

"It smells like fish and saltwater," Erin said after a few silent moments.

Sam chuckled. "I wonder why?" he said sarcastically.

She smiled and nudged him.

Sam laughed.

Finally Dean called to them from the motel. "Come one, got us a room!" he yelled.

Erin looked up at Sam who was already looking down at her. "Erin, you know you could do whatever you wanted, you shouldn't feel so conflicted about what you want to be and what you should be, because in all honesty they're the same thing. You shouldn't do something that your heart isn't set on," Sam said softly. He smiled at her and she at him.

After another call from Dean, she looked away. "Thanks Sam, " She said, and he could here the sincerity in her voice.

They walked together to the room.

The motel room Dean had got them all was the normal room him and Sam usually got. Two full size beds.

"You two can take the beds. You definitely need it Erin, this is going to be a long night for you," Dean said as he set his stuff down and walked towards the door. "I'm gonna catch an hour or two in Baby," and with that he was out the door.

Erin grabbed the bed farthest from the door and turned on her side, facing away from it. Sam sat on the other bed, swinging his feet up and laying on his back.

Erin steadied her breathing, but she was too worried and afraid of what was going to happen tonight. And she kept picturing the demon she had killed, filling her body with dread at the thought of something like happening to her brother. Tears were starting to fill her eyes.

She sat up, still facing away from the door and just closed her eyes, trying to block the images from her mind.

She looked over at Sam. His eyes were closed and his breathing steady; he seemed to be asleep. He was still laying on his back with one arm behind his head and the other across his forehead, almost covering his eyes. Even in his sleep he looked strong and protecting.

Erin got up off the bed and walked quietly over to him. He didn't even stir as she crawled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arm around him. She immediately felt better, safer, saner. It was amazing the effect he had on her.

Before she knew it she had drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Sam had been only just asleep when she had done that. When she had finally fallen asleep, he held her close to him, his arms wrapped lightly around her. "I'll always protect you, Erin," he whispered.

And soon after he had fallen asleep as well.


When night had fallen, Dean left the bar he had been in, instead of sleeping, and walked back to the motel. He walked through the door, surprised at the sight of Erin and Sam cuddled together in the bed.

He sighed, and then walked over and nudged Sam awake.

Sam's eyes opened and he looked over at Dean's serious face.

"Get up, it's time to go,"

Sam nodded and then shook Erin lightly to wake her. "Its time," he whispered to her.

She nodded.

Together, the three of them left the hotel room and climbed into Dean's car.

Dean looked back at Erin before he pulled out of the parking lot. "Are you ready for this? Know the plan?"

Erin nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

"Alright, " said Dean. "Lets go save your brother,"

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