Chapter 4

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

Sam was leaning against the desk when Erin and Dean walked out. He stood up when she came over to him. She looked up at him and Sam noticed something different about her, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

When they all sat down, she set the picture on the table.

"This is my oldest brother Aiden," she said pointing to the blonde brother. "And this is Jay, he's 3 years younger than Aiden, and 4 years older than me," she said pointing to the other brother; the one with the red dye in his hair.

"This picture was the last good thing that ever happened to me. It was the day before my dad..." She paused and swallowed. "Before he died.

"This was taken about 6 years ago. We were on the road and decided to stop and the Grand Canyon," she smiled when she said that. "Anyway, after my dad died, Aiden stopped smiling. Him and my dad were really close. I was devastated too, since I was so young and didn't understand the risks of being a hunter," she looked down.

"So your dad was a hunter too then?" Asked Sam.

Erin nodded and then continued. "All Aiden cared about after dad died was killing as many monsters as he could, so it was just Jay and I a lot of the time. Then after awhile, Jay started going on the hunts with Aiden, and I was alone. . I was always alone. They didn't let me come with them. And it went on like this for two years.

"Then about a year ago, I finally convinced them to let me hunt with them. It was just supposed to be a routine vampire hunt, there were only a few and Aiden and Jay knew I could handle it, but it went so, so wrong," Erin paused and put her head in her hands. She shook her head, trying to clear the memories.

She flinched when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked up at Sam. He looked serious as she spoke, him and Dean both did. They believed her, they didn't think she was crazy.

She nodded and Sam took his hand of her shoulder. As she began to speak she noticed Dean looking at Sam questioningly.

"When we got there, there were no vampires. There was no one. Then out of no where, two men appear and attack us. One of them went after Aiden and the other after Jay. I went to go help Aiden since he was closer, but he yelled for me to go help Jay, so i did.

"Jay yelled to me, 'they're demons!'. That was what scared me the most. I had never fought a demon, never even seen one in person. I didn't know what to do. But then Jay told me to use my knife," Erin pulled the knife out of her pocket. "I still don't know how I did it, how this knife was so different from the others, but I stabbed the demon in the back, and it died. It glowed orange and died."

Erin paused and her eyes started to get red. "That's when we heard Aiden. He made the most horrible sound I had ever heard, and when we turned around, he was on the ground. Jay and I ran at the demon but it flung us back somehow. I landed against a wall and banged my head really hard and everything went really fuzzy. I heard Jay hit glass, and when I looked over at him, the demon was walking toward him.

"I tried to get up, to run, to kill the demon, but my legs were so weak and I just..." She looked desperately from Dean to Sam.

"Jay was bleeding. The glass must have cut his arm...his tattoo, because the last thing I saw was the black smoke billowing out of the demon and into my brother," she stopped. Her eyes weren't watering anymore, her face held no emotion. She looked so broken as she closed her eyes and finished the story.

"When I woke up, Jay was gone. I stood up and I was so dizzy and I was so confused. I ran across the room to Aiden, but I already knew what I was going to see. He was gone, his throat was cut wide open," she said in monotone.

"I need to find Jay, but I don't know how. I've looked for him since that day, following the signs, killing all the demons that weren't my brother, but no luck. For all I know, he could be dead already,"

Dean looked over at Sam, who nodded. "We need to do this, Dean,"

Dean nodded, then looked over at Erin. "We're going to help you find your brother, if you're okay with it" said Dean.

She hesitated. "How?" She asked. Not letting what little hope she had slip through her voice.

"We have just the man who can help," he said, looking at Sam.

Sam sighed. "We really do, don't we," he said, crossing his arms.

Erin looked suspiciously at both of them. "You really want to help me, even though we've just met?"

They both nodded. "Family is family, and I'd do anything for mine," said Dean seriously.

Erin's eyes grew determined. She was going to find her brother, and she was going to save him.

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