Chapter 6

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I do not own any of the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

Quick Note: Sorry it's been FOREVER since updating. I started my first year of college and got a little overwhelmed! I've got the hang of everything now so I should be able to update regularly again:) I hope you all had a happy holiday!

"She still asleep?" Dean asked his brother as they drove down the highway. Cars passed by here and there, but most of the time it was just them and the forest flying past.

Sam looked back at the sleeping form in the back seat. This was the first time he had seen her sleep for more than an hour or two. "Yeah, she's asleep," he replied softly. Dean glanced over at his brother and then looked back at the road.

"We'll be to the outskirts of Seattle soon, so we'll discuss the plan when she wakes up," Dean said, his voice was serious and his knuckles were white against the steering wheel.

Sam noticed the tension radiating off of his brother, and turned so that he was looking at him instead of the sleeping Erin. "What's wrong, Dean?" Sam asked, his eyes narrowed. Dean was never nervous for a hunt.

Dean was silent for a moment before he spoke. "This is going to be different then usual, Sammy. We can't just go in guns a blazin' and kill this S.O.B." Dean squeezed the steering wheel. "This person matters to her more than anyone, it's her family, we can't fail," Dean seemed to be talking to himself more than Sam now.

"We won't fail, Dean," Sam replied, his voice confident. "I'll make sure of that,"

Dean looked over at Sam, but the intensity in his brothers eyes only made him worry more. Sam always cared too much.

After a while of driving in silence, Dean reached over and flipped on the radio. The music suddenly blasted through the stereo and he tried to quickly turn it down, but behind him he heard a small gasp.

"Dean, what the heck?" Sam said angrily, looking over at him and then back at Erin, who was looking around wildly for a few moments before she realized where she was and calmed down. She leaned over with her arms wrapped around her waist, and breathed in and out, repeating something to herself under her breath.

Dean looked at her strangely, she looked crazy to be honest, but Sam was looking at her with concern and care.

"Erin? Listen to me, its okay. You're safe, I'm here," Sam said softly to Erin.

Slowly, Erin looked up at Sam. Her eyes were full of fear and her skin was flushed. "I'm sorry," she whispered, calming as she looked at Sam. "I don't sleep like that very often, and then the noise, it sort of scared me, I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, I understand," he said to her with empathy. She nodded, noticing just how deep his brown eyes were, and how much better she felt when she looked into them.

"What were you saying, before? You were whispering something," Dean asked curiously. Both Erin and Sam pulled they're gaze away from each other at Dean's question.

Erin's face reddened. "Its something Aiden used to say to me when I was younger, and would get scared," she said, brushing her hair away from her face. "And then when Aiden started hunting, Jay would say it to me. And then I had to say it to myself..." Erin trailed off, Sam reached his arm back towards her, taking her hand.

"What would they say to you? To help you feel safe?" Sam asked, squeezing her hand.

She looked up at Sam, and then down at they're hands before closing her eyes. "You are stronger than the monsters," she said, her voice more confident as she said it.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, before Sam looked back at Erin and Dean looked back at road.

"It gets overwhelming, and for some reason that helps me," she explained.

Sam nodded when she looked up at him. "You are stronger than the monsters, especially when you've got me right here,"

Erin couldn't help but smile at Sam. He really did make her feel safer.

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