Chapter 1

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This is my first story here on Wattpad, so I'll take anything to help me improve in my writing:) I really hope you enjoy this; after this post I'll be posting about once a week. I love you!

I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

Tonight was much colder than it had been in awhile. She walked slowly down a random, tree surrounded, gravel road, trying to find a place to sleep that would protect her from the freezing wind. It had been over 48 hours since she had last slept, and her thoughts were getting jumbled in her head.

Her dirty, dark, faded leather jacket, lined on the inside with cheep fur along the sleeves, usually kept her relatively warm on nights like these, but she found herself pulling the jacket closer with every step.

She kept her head down as she walked to keep the cold air from stinging her eyes and nose. After awhile, she just stopped and stood in one spot, too exhausted to walk any farther. She took one last look around, hoping and praying that she would find somewhere to sleep. That's when she spotted the old railing a few yards away.

She walked towards it and as she got closer she could see that a cement staircase went downwards about 4 feet and ended with a metal door in the side if a concrete building.

She sighed with relief. The cement walls on all sides would protect her from the winds, and she would be hidden from strangers and other dangers. She quickly walked down the stairs, sitting down in the corner of two cement walls with the door on her right and the stairs in front of her.

She took off the old, tan, falling apart backpack and placed it on her shoulder that was against the wall. She pulled out the only defense she had against any sort of danger, a knife, and placed it beside her between the wall and her foot, so she could grab it quickly if she needed to.

She leaned her head against her backpack and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. Though she was terribly uncomfortable, her exhaustion outweighed her need for comfort. She drifted off to sleep quickly.


She was still asleep as the sun began to rise. She didn't even notice as the door to her right opened with a quiet squeal.

A man walked out of the door. He was extremely tall, over 6 feet, and had brown hair that was the length down to his jaw. He wore jogging sweats and a sweatshirt and you could hear the background beat of music through his headphones.

He closed and locked the door behind him. It wasn't until he was halfway up the steps that he noticed the girl.

He took off his headphones, staring in confusion at the girl for just a moment before walking silently up to her. He kneeled down so that he wasn't looking down on her and said "excuse me, ma'am?"

The man fell back on his butt as the girl suddenly jumped up, holding a knife toward him. Shocked, he just sat there, looking up at her. The first thought that came to his mind was 'she's holding that all wrong' .

He began to stand up very slowly, his hands out to show that he meant no harm. She watched his every move, her knife still pointed straight at him.

"Who are you?" the girl said harshly. "What do you want?" She sounded tough but the man could see the fear in her eyes.

"It's okay. My name's Sam. I'm not here to hurt you or steal anything, I don't want anything. I just saw you sleeping and you looked cold and I was just wanted to know why you were out here." He said calmly.

"That's none of you're business," she said just as harsh. "Just- go home or something, leave me alone," she said.

Sam chuckled slightly. "I can't exactly do that," he said.

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