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Erin hopped on the first bus south, heading to the closest city to the Grand Canyon. That's where she would start her new life.

She leaned back in the soft seat, staring out at the landscape as it moved quickly by. She closed her eyes for just a few seconds, but when opened them again, she was somewhere else.

She was standing in a white hallway, doors linning the walls.

She was shocked at first, looking around her. She couldn't make out any of the names on the doors, they blurred with she tried.

She started walking down the hall, but then a man's voice made her spin on her heals. The man behind her was not very tall. His brown hair and beard surrounded a tanned face with blue eyes.

"Hi there,Erin," he said. "You can call me Chuck. Don't be scared or anything like that, I just want you to say Hi to some people," he smiled.

This man seemed very kind, and Erin couldn't help but trust him. She nodded and followed him a few doors down, to a room marked with a familiar name.

She looked over at Chuck with wide eyes. He nodded at her. "Go on in, I'll he right behind you," he said.

She opened the door and found herself in this beautiful meadow. There was a first path through the flowers that seemed to lead to a small cottage a little ways off.

But it wasn't the cottage Erin was paying attention to. Standing a few feet in front of her, making her heart leap out of her chest, was her brother.

"Jay!" she yelled, running to him. He held his arms open for her and she jumped into a hug. He spun her around and then set her down on the ground, grabbing her hands and smiling down at her.

"It's so good to see you again, kid" he said, and just looking into his eyes she knew it was him.

She was crying happily. He wiped away one of her tears. "You've grown up so much in the last year. I'm so proud of how brave you've become, Erin," he said, his eyes glowing.

She smiled, standing a little straighter. They hugged again so tightly that Erin thought she would never let go. She didn't want to.

Eventually though, she had to.

He pulled away from her and tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're so beautiful, Erin," she said, his voice sounding a much sadder.

He looked behind her, frowned, and then nodded. When he looked back at her he was smiling again.

"I've got to say goodbye now, kid," he said.

Erin panicked. "No! I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you," she said, her voice breaking.

He smiled at her. "You'll join me here again someday," he said. "Just not too soon I hope," he winked at her.

She gave him a small smile.

"Just promise me you'll remember one thing, alright?" he said.

She nodded.

"You are stronger than the monsters," he said to her in a serious tone.

A tear ran down her cheek. "I promise," She said.

And then she was opening her eyes back to bus window, staring out at the moving landscape.

She smiled. She would always be stonger than the monsters.

Lost and Found {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now