Chapter 7

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

"There it is," Dean said as the Seattle skyline fell into view on the back drop of the Puget Sound. The bright lights on the city drowned out the stars that were just appearing in the darkening sky.

Dean pulled off the highway and down a side road that led into the forest, but instead of entering the think trees, he parked just outside them, and then opened the door and walked out. Sam followed his lead, and Erin followed Sam's.

They walked around to the trunk, and Dean leaned against it. Sam and Erin stood side by side in front of him. "Okay, so here's the plan," Dean began. "We need to find out exactly where he is. We know the basics to summoning a demon," Dean turned to Erin, his eyes serious but his composure layed back. "Do you?"

Erin was shocked by the question, she looked over at Sam and then back at Dean. She had studied this enough to know. "We need a crossroads, and then certain things for a ritual..."she stopped, looking away. "I'm not sure what though, I can't remember exactly,"

"Its okay, we'll take care of that part," Sam said softly to Erin, his hand on her shoulder. She nodded, and then noticed the dark look on Dean's face.

"No," she said, hoping to sound braver than she felt. "No, it has to be me. I have to do this, so you need to just tell me what I have to do,"

The darkness in Dean's eyes faded, replacing it was what almost seemed like pride.

"Erin, are you sure about this? Its dangerous," Sam asked, he was concerned for her and wasn't even attempting to hide it. Dean's eyes flicked between Erin and Sam and then lingered on Sam, showing no emotion.

Erin sighed. "Sam, I've been hunting these monsters for a year now; I think I can handle myself," her voice didn't betray her this time. She was piecing bits together in her head, trying to ready herself for what was to come. She needed to be brave for him, for Jay.

"Not like this th-"

"Sam, enough" Dean's voice was low and serious. "Don't you see what has to be done here? Any demon will know who we are, know our legacy. They won't help her unless she's the one to ask for it,"

Sam was silent. He looked long at Dean, and then shifted his gaze to Erin. She wasn't looking at him, but he smiled at the bravery he could see in her face, and in the way her muscles tightened and her eyes blazed.  He nodded.

"Good" Dean grunted. "You ready for the plan then?" he asked Erin.

She nodded, standing straighter.

"Alright, this is what we're gonna do..."

                            * * * * * * * *
The crossroads was dirt and pine needles. There were dips and rocks and weeds and it gave the appearance that it hadn't been used in a long time. There was one wooden light pole at one corner and it gave off a flickering yellowish light, while the rest of the forest outside of it's glow lay in complete darkness.

It had an eerie effect; "perfect place to contact a demon I guess," Erin whispered to herself.

She kicked the dirt over the box she had watched Dean make and then waited, just like she was told to do.

She felt a chill go up her spin and spun around, jumping back when she saw the woman standing inches away from her.

"Jumpy little thing aren't you?" she smirked, her eyes flicking to full black.
She started to take a step towards Erin, but she didn't move. Her face dropped and she sighed. "Seriously? A Hunter?"

Erin glanced down at the ground and smiled at the red paint you could see just under the pineneedles. Sam had painted it there as Dean had been putting her box together.

She looked back up at the demon, walking towards her with the most serious face she could muster.

Sam and Dean, hiding in the bushes and trees off to the side, glanced at each other. She looked terrifying like that; you could tell she meant business.

"Do you know who I am?" Erin asked her, stalking around the demon as she spoke.

"Hm, can't quite put my finger on it, but you do look familiar," the demon said, her snark and sarcasm seemingly dripping from her mouth.

Erin jumped at her, resting her blade on the demons neck. The demon froze, she know what kind of blade that was. "Enough," she almost snarled, her eyes staring daggers into the demon.

The demon glared at Erin. "You think little threats will get you anywhere, honey? It'll take more to convice-" the demon's words  were cut off by its own scream as Erin delicately yet harmfully cut into its neck.

Sam stiffened and Dean watched with wonder. It was strange how different she was when she was hunting. That thought left unsettlingly familiar feeling in his stomach; she reminded him too much of a young, innocent Sammy.

The demon's glare was now a look of fear. "You're not what I expected," she slightly gurgled through the blood pooling in her throat and mouth.

"Good," was Erin's reply.

The demon's eyes flicked back to its human grey color. "What do you want?" she asked.

Erin threw her on the ground and the demon stayed there as Erin walked up to her, standing menacingly over her. She grabbed the folded picture from her pocket and showed it to the demon.

Recognition flashed through its eyes. "Yeah, I've seen him," the demon said, looking away from the picture.

"Tell me where he is." Erin demanded.

"If I tell you, you have to kill me, right there and then," the demon said, her voice shaking slightly .

Erin eyed her curiously.

Seeing the curiosity in Erin's eyes, the demon elaborated. "I'm dead whether I tell you or not. That man is the head demon of this district. The second I tell you where he is, I'm a deadman. And believe me, he won't be merciful about the way he does it."

Erin felt her blood turn to ice, hearing this demon talk about her brother that way.

"Tell me, and it's a deal," Erin replied. Her voice was stiff.

Sam looked at Dean and then back at Erin. His heart was beating so loud he was afraid Dean could hear it. Dean sat still and watched Erin work; he had to admit she had skill.

"Pike Place Market. That's the area he hits most often," the demon told Erin.

Erin nodded, and without hesitation plunged the knife into the demon's chest. With an orange glow, the body of the demon fell limp on the ground.

The second the demon died, Erin let out a small sob and in moments Sam had her in his arms. She cried silently at the thought of what her brother had become.

The thought of him being possessed even one more day by that horrible being filled her with rage. She pushed away from Sam and whiped her eyes, which were now filled with a sort of fire.

Dean noticed this, and nodded before saying: "you ready kid?"

Erin nodded and started walking towards where the impala was parked. "Let's go save my brother

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