Chapter 3

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

When Dean came in with the plate of burgers, Erin felt like she was going to faint. Not because of exhaustion and hunger this time, but from the thought of having actual, real, just made food.

Dean smiled when she saw the look on her face. He loved this, making food for someone who appreciated it. Sam walked in behind him with the condiments and set them down on the table.

They sat at the end of a desk, Erin sitting at the very end with Sam to one side and dean to the other so that the brothers were facing each other.

Sam and Dean both watched as she bit into the hamburger like, well, a hungry human being.

They all sat in silence as they ate. When they were finished, Dean was the first to talk.

"So, Erin" he began, looking over at her. She looked at him with hesitance, unsure of what he was about to ask. "What brings you all the way out here?"

She paused, thinking of what to say. "I, um, was just traveling and wound up in a bad situation," she replied.

Slightly true, but not totally. She left out some key detains. Dean could tell she was hiding something and continued to pry.

"How old are you, like 20? 21?" He asked.

She looked almost offended. "I'm almost 24," she said with a snark in her voice.

Sam spoke now. "You're 23? And your out wandering around on your own?" He said with concern.

She snapped her head toward Sam. "I'm old enough to be on my own, I'm an adult," she said defensively.

"Barely," said Dean. Sass dripping from his voice.

She glared at him. "I'm more mature than you," she said to him.

Sam cut in. "But you're still so young, you shouldn't have gone out on your own," he said.

"You think I went out on my own?" She said angrily. "You don't know anything about me, okay? Quit questioning me, and treating me like I'm a child because I'm not!" She yelled.

The brothers sat in stunned silence. Her face was red as she stood up. "Thanks for the food. If you don't mind, I think I'm going to sleep a little more before I leave,"

And with that she walked off back to the bedroom they offered her.

They watched as she walked away, surprised by her reaction. They didn't speak until they heard her door close.

"She's hiding something Dean," Sam said quietly.

Dean didn't answer, he just nodded his head. Turning his head back to Sam he said: "I'm going to go in there when she falls asleep and look around. Maybe see what's in that backpack of hers," he said.

Sam looked like he wanted to object but didn't say anything. He couldn't deny that he was just as curious as his brother.


Erin closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Why does everyone always have to ask so many questions?' She asked herself.

She laid down on her back and stared up at the cement ceiling. As she laid there she pulled her knife out of her pocket and read the message over and over again.

The message always made her smile, but for some reason today it made her feel sad.

She laid it under her pillow like always and turned on her side. The second she closed her eyes she was asleep again. That's always when the nightmares begin.

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