Chapter 11

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Everything seemed to slow into one long moment.

Erin watched as the demon's eyes flicked back to Jay's blue one. They were shocked and angry, and then they were glowing with a bright orange light.

His grip loosened around her neck and she breathed in a lungfull of air as he fell backwards, landing on the ground with a thud as she landed on her knees.

The knife was still in her hand, gripped so tightly that her knuckles were white. Her brother's blood still wet on the blade.

She looked at the knife. Her knife, given to her by the man it had killed, used to bring her comfort. Now she threw it to the side. It clattered a few feet away from her.

She looked up at the scene before her. Sam had run over to Dean, who was clutching his side as Sam helped him stand. The back of Sam's head was damp with blood, but it seemed to be drying already so she knew he couldn't have been too badly hurt.

And then she looked in front of her, at the body of the only family she had left. Her heart seemed to beat painfully against her chest.

She crawled over to him, the panic inside of her rising, her breaths coming quickly. Her throat was hurting so badly and her eyes burned with tears.

She looked down at Jay. His blue eyes, once so full of joy, were empty and pale.

Erin broke down.

The first sob that escaped her lips was so painful to hear in Sam's ears.

Her looked over at Dean, who nodded at him, and then walked over to Erin.

She was holding her brother. In between the sobs he could hear the words "i'm sorry" over and over again.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek.

He got down on his knees beside her, and grabbed one of her shaking shoulders.

She looked over at him, her face red and her eyes full of complete agony. Sam knew this feeling, but he also knew her brother wouldn't be pulled back from death like his has been so many times.

He took Jay from her. She watched as Sam layer him down on the bricks and gently closed his eyes.

Erin noticed how peacful he looked now, and it soothed her slightly. And then Sam was wrapping his arms around her and she was holding onto him as she cried.

She didn't know how long she had been like that, but it was long enough that her tears were dried out. She was left with this empty, horrible feeling. She pulled away from Sam, who was looking at her with concern.

She looked back over at her brother. Dean was beside him, waiting for Erin to finish grieving.

"We didn't have the chance to prepare for him, I'm sorry Erin," Dean said, his voice was full of hurt. She nodded, she knew they didn't mean for this to happen.

Sam grabbed Erin's hand. "Don't beat yourself up for this, understand? You did what you had to do, you would have died if you hadn't..." he trailed off.

Erin nodded again. She looked down at her hands, the ones that had killed her brother. No. She thought. Don't think like that.

She took a deep breath, and then another, and then another.

And then she looked up at Sam. "I want to give him a hunter's burial." She said, her voice still weak.

Sam nodded, looking over at Dean.

Dean got up, still holding his side. "You'll have to carry him, Sammy," Dean said. "I know where to take him, it's just a few miles out. Private lake," he said.

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