Chapter 9

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

Dean pulled onto the empty street next to the Pike Place Market. To everyone's surprise, it was completely deserted. Dean stopped, blocking off the way onto the street so no one would drive into what was going on here.

Through the front windshield Erin could see a brick walkway. Up and down the street stores were closed off and grates closed over glass windows. There were streetlamps lining the street and they cast an eerie yellowish light over the empty path.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked her, turning to see the fear filling her features.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to muster the confidence she would need to face the demon that had taken over her brother.

Without giving Sam an answer, she stepped out of the impala.

As soon as her feet hit the bricks of the street, the street lamps around her flicked and died. She stared up at them and then to the only street lamp still on in the middle of the market.

There was a man standing under the flickering light, the yellowness of it washing the color from his skin and making his light brown hair pale.

Erin froze, the man had his back to them. She started to walk towards him but as soon as she did, Sam opened his door and stood in front of her, his hands on her shoulders, blocking her brother from view.

She looked up at him just as Dean was stepping cautiously out of the imapala. He stared at the man, taking in the hands that were clasped behind him in a business like way. Dean saw the scar that cut across what once was an anti-possession tattoo.

"Erin, wait," Sam was saying as she tried to push past him. "We need to figure out what to do, we didn't realize he'd show without us summoning him,"

Dean looked away from the form of Jay for a split second to check on Erin and Sam, but when he looked back Jay was gone.

"Sammy," the slight worry in dean's voice made Sam look around at his brother. Dean didnt take his eyes off of the now empty patch of light. "We've got a problem,"

Sam looked behind him and saw that Erin's brother had disappeared.

"What's going on?" Erin asked, Sam's body still blocking her view.

Suddenly Sam flew backwards, tugging Erin's shoulders and throwing her off balance. She stubled forward as Sam landed hard on the concrete a few feet away. His head making a loud crack against the brick pavement.

"Sam!" Dean yelled. Sam wasn't getting up, Erin hoped he was just unconcious.

She ran over to Sam, Dean at her heals. "Sammy?" Dean was saying, leaning down over Sam. Erin was standing while Dean kneeled over Sam. "Sam, get up," Dean gave Sam a little slap on the face and Sam stirred. Dean let out a relieved sigh.

Erin, though, wasn't paying much attention to the boys now.

She was staring at the street light again, or more specifically, at the man standing under it, now facing her.

The light still washed out his skin and hair with a yellowish tinge, but his features were so familiar and unmistakable that Erin had the irresistible urge to run to him.

She began to step towards him when Dean's voice quietly broke her trance on her demon possessed brother.

"Erin, remember what he is," Dean's cautious voice said softly.

But Erin was ignoring Dean now, looking back up at Jay. Of course it was just Jay, Erin thought. Who else could it be?

Her heart was drumming. He was smiling at her with his familiar blue eyes and she kept picturing his smile and growing up with that same happy face. But then she looked closer, and in a split second her excited, lifted feelings were filled with dread.

His blue eyes weren't filled with the same happyness Erin was used to seeing. They were empty, cold, not Jay's. She could now see that his smile was an evil smirk instead of the usual bright smile.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Dean and Sam were a few feet away from her now, but she was still closer to them than she was to Jay.

She started to step backwards, but she couldn't. She looked down at her feet, willing them to move, but they wouldn't listen to her. Now she was beginning to panic.

She looked back up at Jay, making eye contact with those cold, dead eyes.

"Well," said an all too familiar voice that turned Erin's blood to ice. "Long time no see, kid"

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