Chapter 10

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Jay blinked, and his eyes became a full black. Erin felt a lump swell in her throat.

"Jay, it's m-"

"Really?" the demon Jay snickered. "There's no Jay here anymore, kid. Just little ol' me." he gave Erin a wicked smile.

Erin swallowed the lump in her throat.

"You're lying, I know he's still in there," Erin's voice was betraying her. Why was she acting this way? Confronting demon's usually made her stronger, harder, more in control, but now it was the opposite.

"Look, kid-"

"Stop calling me kid!" Erin yelled. And then regretted it, because his joking, smirking face was now replaced by a serious and terrifying look that she hadn't ever seen before on her brother.

He started walking toward her now. Demon Jay was done having fun, he was annoyed with her now.

Erin stayed staring straight ahead as he walked around her. He was obviously the one who was forcing her to stay rooted to the spot.

He was standing in front of her now, and his eyes became blue again. They were angry, and yet bored.

"I will call you whatever I want to. Kid." He said with a sneer.

He eyes moved from her to something behind her. Dean was standing now, and moving slowly towards them. He stopped when he noticed that demon Jay had noticed him.

Jay went back to Erin. "You know, I didn't believe my little demon spy when he came to me saying that my sister was working with the winchesters' to find me,"

He looked back behind her again.

"you're starting to annoy me, Mr. Winchester," Jay said to Dean.

Dean glared at Jay. "why don't you pick on someone your own size? You ugly S.O.B."

Jay laughed loudly, sounding actually amused. Then he looked over at Erin, smiling. "you know he just called your brother ugly, right?" he said through fits of laughing snorts that caused Erin's heart to seize. It was like Jay was there, but not, because all of the things that made him him were there but were altered just slightly.

Erin closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling.

Jay stopped laughing abruptly and stared straight at Dean again. "I'd like to be alone with my sister now, if you don't mind,"

Jay waved his hand and slammed Dean against one of the brick walls. Dean stayed pressed up against it, unable to move.

"now, back to business," Jay stayed behind Erin, but then turned her around to face him.

She still had her eyes closed as he continued talking. "where was I? oh yeah.You see, I didn't believe my little demon spy because I have these memories of you, ones that your actual brother have. You know, he saw you as someone who needed protecting. He thought of you as strong willed but precious and delicate.

"But I got something very different out of his touching memories of you," she was keeping her eyes shut tight, trying to block out his voice and his words. But then he spoke very softly. "open your eyes and look at me, Erin,"

She could hear Jay's voice in this demon's plea but still kept her eyes closed.

"I said open your eyes and look at me." his voice was harder bow, but she still kept her eyes closed.

"Look at me!" he yelled. She heard the sound of his slap before she fell the stinging on her cheek. She opened her eyes then, and was happy to know that tears didn't leak out of her.

Jay smiled at the shocked look on her face. "much better," and then he continued. "I saw you as someone who was too weak to do anything on her own. Someone too terrified to join her brothers in a losing batter against the dark things out there. It made me laugh when I was told you were coming for me. I sort of regret killing that little demon now," Jay chuckled.

Erin felt anger rising up inside of her. She wasn't weak. She was a little scared, but who wouldn't be, facing things like this?

"Erin!" Dean called out. She looked over at him, he was struggling to get to her. Jay was angry now, he flung Dean back and forth, throwing him against whatever he could.

"Don't interupt me!" he yelled as he finally threw Dean against a wall and held him there. He was bleeding, gashes were in his face, and his nose was gushing.

Then he turned back to Erin, his eyes black and menacing.

He grabbed her by the throat.

Erin reached for his extremely strong hand, clawing at it. He had lifted her up enough that she could see over the sceen of what her brother, no this demon, had done. And then she saw Sam. Her vision was getting spotted, and her lungs aching  for air, but she saw he was sitting up, trying to stand and get to her.

Jay was speaking again, but it sounded distant to Erin's ears. "Now you get to watch as your own brother takes your life," he was smiling, his eyes black, and for the first time all night, she couldn't see her brother in this man. Maybe that's what made it easier.

With the rest of her strength, Erin reached into her pocket, pulled out her knife, and plunged it into her brother's heart.

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