Chapter 5

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I do not own any if the characters that relate directly to the show Supernatural. The only original characters that are mine are Erin, Aiden, and Jay.

"Hello boys" said the familiar, sassy voice. "And girl. Now this is a surprise," he said smiling mischievously.

"Cut the intro, Crowley. You're gonna give us some information on a demon," demanded Dean.

Erin looked shocked at the name. "Crowley?" She said questioningly,

"The one and only," Crowley replied.

"As in the King of Hell,?" She asked again, looking over at Dean. "Why do you have the king of hell in your...bunker?" She asked .

"Because we're best buddies," Crowley said sarcastically.

Erin raised her eyebrow at him, he was definitely not who she thought he'd be.

"Back to the topic, I need you to tell me the last place you saw this demon," Dean set Erin's picture on the table so that it was folded to just show Jay.

"Looks familiar, but i can't exactly pin-point why," he said, hinting at something.

"Look, if you tell us where to find him, I'll....give you some of the good stuff, straight from the tap," Dean said, slapping his arm.

Erin looked at Dean like he was crazy. What the heck was he talking about?

Crowley hesitated. "Come on, you know you want it," persuaded Dean.

Crowley sighed reluctantly. "Last time I contacted him, he was in Seattle, Washington," he said. "He's most likely still there, a lot of people like to make deals in that city, and he's a great business man," Crowley said.

Sam grabbed Erin and led her out of the room, Dean on their heels, without another word to Crowley.

When they made it downstairs, Dean walked right to his room and grabbed his gear.

"Sammy, you're gonna stay here and wait for Kevin,"

"Im coming with you, Dean," Sam said matter-of-fact-ly.

"No, you're not, you're gonna wait here for Kevin. Plus, you're not at your full strength yet and I don't want you to kill yourself on a mission like this," Dean replied seriously.

Erin looked between the brothers. She could literally feel the tension between them. "Dean," both looked over to her. "Can Sam please come? I would feel....safer,"

Both were silent for a moment. "Looks like it's settled then," Sam finally said.

"If that's what you want," Dean said to her and then nodded to Sam. "Go get your stuff,"

Sam nodded and left for his things.

"Look," Dean turned to her. "You know this is going to be dangerous,"

She nodded. "I understand you don't want to put your brother into danger-"

"It's not just that," Dean interrupted. "I don't want you to get killed. I can tell Sam cares about you just by the way he looks at you; he wants to protect you, and when he wants to protect someone..." he sighed. "I know you're a strong girl, and I want to help you as much as he does, but I don't want him getting hurt by trying to be a hero,"

She looked over to where Sam had disappeared down the hallway. "I understand how you must feel, I had brothers too," she looked back over to Dean. "But I need him there with me. I need you both there with me. Just in case I..I can't.."

Sam walked out before she could finish. "Let's head out," he said, standing next to Erin. He nudged her shoulder and nodded his head toward the door. "Come on, long way to Seattle,"

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