🔈Chapter 29: I love you🔈

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"Y-y.." I took my time saying that when I placed the serviette on each plate. Today we cooked together because we will soon go to the main aquarium soon.

"Waaaah bub good job." He rushed over and gave me a long lasting hug, making me melt in his arm's.

I felt safe - but I didn't lost my coldness. It's just when I'm around him and the others, it feels easier to communicate without word's and I appreciated that alot.

It made me love the idea of being around them for hour's. Especially with Jeonghan and Vernon who I trust the most.

As wonderful everything was, there must have been something wrong. I moved unintentionally a bit and suddenly Jeonghan suppressed a painful yelp as it seems like.

He hide his arm under his thin jacket he wore right now. I starred at him confused, waiting for him to answer.

"Ah it's nothing little one." He patted me, trying his best to smile brightly.

I starred at him and his arm with a visibly upset glare - I wanted to know what's wrong.

„Hey Joshi, I told you it's nothing." He suddenly pulled down his jacket, it was an almost invisible bruise.

I tilted my head on confusion, waiting for explanation as he just smiled down at me before kneeling down, taking my hands and kissing them. - „That's an old bruise and it didn't healed properly until yet so it sometimes hurts when I put pressure on it. See? You can fully trust me, I wouldn't lie to you about anything."

I hummed, accepting his explanation as I just looked down at him sadly now.

„Are you sad because you can't get any words out anymore? Josh..you haven't been writing down anything too.. I'm worried a bit.."

All I did was shrugging my shoulders..

Suddenly he stood up and smiled down at me again. „If you feel like talking or writing something down, do so, I still stay on your side even if you won't."

I actually grew a bit confused and angry as I took his palm and simply wrote down ‚Why are you caring so much about me'.

„What do you mean? You are my boyfriend, right? I take care of you because I genuinely have the feeling that I want to marry you one day.." - He continued to cook as his back was turned towards me.

„I don't have a particular reason why I love you or care for you..I just do? I never even felt like having a family in the future.." He started giggling as he continued.

„Gawd I didn't even believed I make it to the age I am right now a few months and years ago but.. with you life seems easier and a bit..nicer..way nicer because now I have a reason to wake up every day and just, have fun and happiness spread in my mind."

He was never talking so much.. especially not about his feelings.." I was a bit worried until he sended me a smile as he put down the food on the table.

All he did was patting my head before he sat down and put food on my plate. „One day, we will grow up together and have many of these conversations but I will always let you know that I don't regret a second meeting you..Oka-„

I leaned over to him and hugged him tightly, interrupting his small love-filled speech.

I felt okay after such a long time... I wanted to continue to live and have a family together with him, rushing things and getting married - Is this who I truly was besides the façade I had on all my life?

„I-i love you.." - I whispered out, closing my eyes as I just embraced this moment.

" - I whispered out, closing my eyes as I just embraced this moment

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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