Dragon Rose

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Vettel's POV

I was with my comrade, Delta Zakuro. He lost his twin sister when he was just four and believed she died. I didn't care that much though. He didn't take time to sulk or miss her. That's why Lord Destro chose him as he chose me. We were both strong. His monster, Drakloak, like Rarrken, was loyal and willing. Two values that every monster should have. We were fighting Apollion. I saw as Delta got hit in the stomach and fell to the ground groaning. "Delta!" I screamed, looking towards him. "Keep fighting I'll be fine!" He called back standing up and limping towards Drakloak. "Huanglo, Breath of Bagua!" A female voice yelled. The girl had the same red eyes as Delta, but she had (Long/short) (Hair color) hair with a few streaks of teal. "Donkokusui Breath!" She commanded. "Darrken, Dark Breath!" I commanded at the same time as the girl. She started sprinting towards Delta, who was now knocked out. I saw her put his arm over her shoulder from the corner of my eye as me and Kite's son battled together. After Apollion was defeated, Delta finally woke up. 

Delta's POV

I had a sharp pain in my head as I woke up. Drakloak was floating beside me. "Delta? Is that you?" A familiar voice asked. "Y-Y/n?" I said opening my eyes. "Delta! It's really you!" She said hugging me. I forgot all my anger, my hate, and my sadness hearing her voice. I looked at her from top to bottom. It really was my twin sister. "I thought you died." I said hugging her back. "Why are you hugging him? He worked for Lord Destro!" Kite's son asked. "Because I'm her brother idiot." I snapped at him. "He's your brother?" The princess asked. "Yes, he is." Y/n replied. I could sense that Vettel was staring at her.  "My name is Delta Zakuro." I said standing up properly. I limped a bit but I still was able to stand. 

Time Skip...

Y/n's POV

It has been a few months since Jin and the others left Cameron. Michael and Robin left to get stronger, while me, Delta and Vettel stayed here training. I was heading to my room and as I entered I saw a note and a dragon rose.

Dear Y/n, 

         Ever since I met you, I felt like I've been living a dream. I love you and I don't know how to say it. No words can explain. I would have told you in person if I had enough confidence but I don't. Every time I look at you I know the sun is jealous of how you shine in the sky. I know that you may fall from the sky, fall from a tree but the best way to fall is to fall for me.


"Smooth Baskerville." I muttered. "Huang, stay here. I have to go find Vettel." I said walking out of the room bringing the dragon rose with me. "Vettel?" I asked opening the door to the garden. "Oh, I guess you saw my note." He said not facing me. "Look at me." I frowned. He looked at me. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. After a few seconds, he kissed back pulling me closer. We broke apart and he whispered in my ear, "I love you Y/n Zakuro."

Delta: Why am I in this? This is Monkart. Not beyblade.

Me: I was out of ideas Delta! 

Delta: What do you mean? You have been writing down so much in you draft notebook!

Me: Draft notebook? I've been drawing! I've been making art! I've been posting on Deviantart! And I do NOT have a draft notebook.

Delta: Whatever.

Me: Please just say it

Delta: No

Me: Please?

Delta: Fine. We'll see you in the next one-shot. Comment, Vote and Request. This Lazy author will only take four requests at a time so If you want something, comment on the request page.

Me: I'm not laz- *Laptop dies*

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