One More Light

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Vettel x Rival!reader

Vettel's POV

I was walking around when I saw my rival, Y/n L/n with her monster, Meowster. "Y/n. Race me." I demanded walking up to her. Meowster rolled his eyes and looked at Y/n. "No." She stated blankly. I saw she was holding on to a letter, but didn't care to ask. "Why, are you too weak?" I mocked as Rarrken smirked. "No. Just no." She snapped this time. I was confused. She always raced against me every time I demanded her too. "I don't want to race you and neither does Meowster." She growled. I saw pain, even heartbreak in her eyes but did not mind. "Whatever." I rolled my own eyes. I secretly wanted to know why she was acting so strangely, so I followed her. She went out into the woods, kneeled, and cried softly. I have never seen her so weak and vulnerable. "Falcon, why did you have to die? I am nothing without you." She sobbed quietly. I knew Falcon. He was Y/n's older brother figure. I never really took the time to know him but he was surely strong. He beat me. I had remembered what he had last said to me. 


"How did you beat me?!" I growled at Falcon. "We did some great things today, but will continue to work on things we need to improve upon, Vettel. Remember that." He smiled softly at me before walking away with his own monster, Combusken. 

Flashback ends...

I haven't seen the two ever since. I watched her as she sang softly, a song I knew by heart.

Should've stayed, were there signs, I ignored?
Can I help you, not to hurt, anymore?
We saw brilliance, when the world, was asleep
There are things that we can have, but can't keep 
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out?
In the sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares if someone's time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
Or quicker quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do 
The reminders, pull the floor from your feet
In the kitchen, one more chair than you need, oh
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair
Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there 
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out?
In the sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares if someone's time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
Or quicker quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do 
Who cares if one more light goes out?
In the sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares if someone's time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
Or quicker quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do

For a moment, just a moment, I was surprised. Surprised that my rival could sing so well and that she actually showed emotion for the first time. "I would have called you weak if I didn't love you, Y/n L/n." I said revealing that I was watching her. "W-what?" She asked. "I said I love you idiot." I repeated myself. "I love you too, Vettel. I always have. She said as I stayed beside her, sitting down. "I will always be there for you my light."

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