Y/n Being Y/n

88 2 4


Driving Lessons

Driving Teacher: Ok, so Jin is walking on the road while your driving, what do you hit.

Y/n: I hit Jin, for sure.

Driving Teacher: You hit the breaks, Y/n. The breaks.


One is lying

Y/n: I'm still trying to find out why you're friends with me.

Laura: Because you're sweet and funny!

Y/n: Vettel says I'm bitter and grumpy. One is lying to me.



Y/n: It's really muggy outside today

Michael: If I find all of our mugs on the lawn I will kill you.

Y/n: -sips coffee from a bowl- Ah! Hot!



Sena: Could you please pass the salt?

Jin: -throws Y/n across the table-


Paper Airplanes

Chen: -sends Y/n a paper airplane-

Y/n: -opens plane-

Will u date me?

A: Yes []

B: A []

C: B []

Y/n: -sends plane back-

Chen: -Opens and reads paragraph about not giving her a choice and the use of 'u'-

A: Yes []

B: A []

C: B []

D: No [✔️]

Chen: -cries-


Sorry not sorry I was bored

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