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Chen's POV

I won a race with Xiao Long again. I approached my girlfriend, (Y/n) as she smiled. "That was amazing!" She smiled using her hands. I didn't mind to sign back and just pulled her closer to me. I hugged her. "Chen! Why are with the Dumb Deaf? You should be with us!" Some of my friends called. "Dumb Deaf?" I asked anger rising in my chest. "She's deaf Chen." Another one  said. Y/n got out of my arms with her head lowered. I was about to start yelling when I noticed she was gone. "It was a mistake to be friends with you all. If you are going to hurt my girlfriend like that, don't come near me ever again." I growled. "She couldn't even hear us Chen. Face it she's useless." The other growled back. "She can't hear but she can understand. Now I'm going to go find my lover." I mumbled.

I was looking for (Y/n). I didn't bother to yell out her name as I knew she wouldn't hear me. She was deaf. I went to the garden out back to see her there with her knees pulled into her chest as Mew floated beside her worriedly. I walked over to her and sat down beside her. "Are you alright love?" I signed. She signed back with a yes. "That's not what I see. You can tell me." I signed at her frowning. She looked away. I put a hand on her shoulder. She finally looked at me, on the verge of tears. I hated seeing her like this. She signed at me. "Why do you care about me anyways? Is it out of pity or something? Or is it just because I'm deaf and you don't want me to feel unwanted." "I care about you because I love you Y/n. Nothing more, nothing less." I sighed signing back. "You shouldn't care what they say."

                                                                      "You are Perfect Just The Way You Are~"

I really hope you liked it Daniela! It took a while to find a plot but it was worth it!


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