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(Art is not mine I used Picrew cause I was lazy today)

Oc Jay x Lazy!Reader

Author'a POV

(Name) was by her tree when she heard something in the bushes. She didn't mind to check and just stayed in her place closing her eyes. "Hello is somebody there?"  Jay's voice asked. "Quiet Jay." (Name) grumbled. "You're even nicer to the deer rather than you are to me (Name)." He sighed. "Because I am always sleepy." She replied finally opening her (eye color) eyes and looking at him. "I know that. I still wonder why I ever made friends with you." He said sitting down beside the girl. "That's your own fault, not mine. You chose your life now you've gotta suffer with me." She chuckled. "By the way, the 'deer', has a name. His name is Wisdom." She snapped. "And that is why I love you." He muttered under his breath. "Hmm?" She hummed glancing at him. "(Name), I love you." He said softly. (Name) heard him this time and smiled. "I love you too blue Jay." She smirked pecking his cheek. "You missed." He smirked back. She understood after a few seconds and pulled him in a loving, passionate, kiss. "I have no idea how I fell in love with you sleepyhead." 


I am so sorry that this is short but I have not had any requests so far and I am bored.


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