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No one's POV

(Y/n) softly sang as a few birds and other creatures came by. She let out a finger as a butterfly landed on it. "Hello little one. How are you?" She asked smiling at the creature. (Y/n) never bothered to try racing. She didn't want to. She thought it would take up too much of her time. She heard a rustle in the bushes and turned slightly frightened, she asked: "Hello? Is someone there?" "I'm sorry if I scared you. I heard singing and wanted to find the owner of such a beautiful voice. My name is Michael White. May I know yours?" He asked kindly. "M-my name is (Y/n). It's nice to meet you Michael." She smiled her fear going away by the second. The girl did not know why she felt so calm around him, but she didn't mind it. "Do you race?" Michael asked her. She shook her head as a no. "I think it'll take up too much of my time. I prefer to stay out here in the fields." (Y/n) shrugged. "Understandable. These fields are some of the most beautiful places if not the most beautiful place I have ever been too." He agreed. Something seemed different to him about her. She wasn't fierce and bold like Laura, she was soft and gentle. She took time to notice the good things around her. She took time though life as if she would live forever. She did not seem to have any worries. He wanted to get to know her better.

Time Skip by four months~~~

The duo met up there almost everyday. They both developed feelings for one another but couldn't find the courage to confess. Michael soon decided that he would confess to her. He just hoped she loved him back. He went to the fields earlier than usual. Thinking about what to say and how to tell his siblings and friends. His brother, (My oc) Jay, was only a year younger than him. If  he wasn't the first one to know, no one would know. He trusted his brother more than anyone in the world. Even more than Robin. He soon heard footsteps and saw (Y/n). "Oh. Michael. I didn't know you'd be here so early. I normally get here first." She giggled. "(Y/n), can I talk to you about something?" He asked. "S-sure." She blushed slightly. "I love you!" He blurted out and blushed. "I love you too Michael White." She smiled. "May I?" He asked. "She said nothing but nodded, as he crashed his lips on hers. 

                                       "I love you more Butterfly"


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