Our Happily Ever After

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(Michael x Reader)

Warning: Slight Angst

Requested by: DarkangelRomi

Sorry I couldn't do the lover rival Romi, I was having a hard time

Author's POV


"Michael, can we please spend some time together?" A young girl with (long/short) (h/c) hair questioned her beloved boyfriend who has been ignoring her for the past few weeks. "Y/n, I really don't have the time. Maybe after training, we can go hang out." Michael told his lover. "You always say that." She whispered, with sadness obvious in her voice. 

Time Skip...

"Can't you see that this is important? I need to train so I can beat Jin!" Michael snapped at her. "I remember when I was more important, now it really is beating Jin that means the most to you. I've tried so hard, to be a good girlfriend for you. I tried to keep you healthy, our relationship strong, but no, you choose to train over me. You choose to focus on your rival rather than your girlfriend. Can't you see how much pain, how much doubt, this causes me?! You use me like a necklace that you can show off and hang up again. We are over." Y/n yelled, tears threatening to spill. She then packed her bags, and that was the last he ever saw of her. 

Flashback Ends...

One day, while Michael was walking around town, he heard a familiar laugh. He saw a group of people, a majority of boys. He saw the girl he had loved his whole life. Y/n. She was riding on the tallest one's back. "Put me down!" She hit his head. "Just put her down." One of the girls chuckled lightly. "Never!" He laughed back. "Juandre, that's enough, put her down." A shorter boy said. "I just said never." He said stubbornly. "I will tell father about this!" The other girl called out. "Fine." He snorted, setting her down. "You tired, aren't you?" One of the boys said. "Kind of, but don't worry." She smiled at him. Y/n turned her head and saw Michael there. "Hey, you guys go ahead. I need to do something." Y/n told them. "Sure." The girl yawned. "Come on, Czar." One of the boys, who was named Justin, wrapped his best friend's arm around his shoulder. "I can walk by myself." She insisted. "No chance, Czar." He said stubbornly. They all walked away, laughing here and there. "Y/n?" The brunette asked. "Michael, it's been a while." She smiled. "I'm really sorry about what happened that day Y/n. I should have paid more attention to you."  He apologized. "I've gotten over it. Now I have to go back to my siblings and friends." She gave him a peck on the cheek, then sprinting off. He touched the spot where she kissed his cheek, and smiled. 


No part 2 :)

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