Prologue - How I became a Half-Human and Half-Dragon Hybrid

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My name is Misha

And I am half-human and half-monster hybrid

My second half is a dragon

You want to ask me how I became a hybrid?


To be fair...

It was my father's doing...

Ever since mother was gone (deceased)...

Old Man started doing experiments on me

He hated me...

Was always telling me it's my fault mother died...

His experiments were bringing me nothing, but pain...

He was using electrocution on me, lots of times...

Was using the belt to beat me up...

He was leaving wounds on me...

For that he was using a knife...

He loved, was enjoying my suffering...

But when I became a Hybrid...

Everything has changed...

And not into the best way...

He created a potion, which he forced me to drink...

I tried not to let him make me drink it...


After I drank the potion...

My second half came to life...

A dragon...

He called someone and starting acting innocent and asking for help:

- Help! Please help! There's a monster in my house! He killed my son and wants to do the same to me!

I had no other choice...

But to escape...

As soon as I was outside...

I opened my wings and flew away...

Need to lay low for the time being...

To be continued...

A/N - I am confirming now - My Book Self is half human and half dragon, has powers of Red Death from How To Train a Dragon. Some facts - Confirmed after the Book is finished (sadly, Transcript is unavailable for now), I'll start the Animated Show Series. Next Chapter soon


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I love how fans made them look in Gen 1 Style

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I love how fans made them look in Gen 1 Style. But second version... Is it Gen 2 Style?

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