Chapter 5 - Out of The Dark

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- I love you two! - were his last words, before the portal closed

Monster High...

Here we come!


While we were walking,  I was impressed in how Portal looks like

Different colours it has

I never thought I'll see something like that one day...

I reall did not...

Also, where's Max, you may ask?

He's inside the ring I am wearing on my left hand

A/N - Something like that, but my book self's size

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A/N - Something like that, but my book self's size

Ah, yes...

I, before we left even

One day created a ring

But it's not just any ordinary ring

It's a ring, which became a home for Max

I also made sure Max has at least a little bit of Monster's looks


We started singing:

We spent our lives in the shadows
Creepin' round the corners
Trying to find a home to land
We've spent our nights feeling lonely
Dreaming of what could be
But this is where we take our stand

We might be nervous, but we are an optimist/realist
It's an adventure, ready to take the risk
Looking for monsters, looking for family
Could this be what we've been waiting for?
This is what we've been waiting for

As soon as we walked out of the portal

A School was in front of us

A School was in front of us

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The Bell started to ring

- Oh, shoot! - Clawdeen exclaimed, she couldn't believe it - We're late! - and started running

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