Chapter 11 - Monster Heart

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- In a way, yes - she answered - I knew your mother, Olga. She was a good person. I never thought something like that will happen... Not only she died, but you suffered from father's hands... To be fair, I always had a bad feeling about him. It was when your real mother was alive and before Monster High was even made. Let's do this that way - your secret will be saved with me, mine - with you.

- Understood, Ms. Bloodgood - I answered, nodding my head

- Now go - she said - Clawdeen is worried about you, I'm sure. Oh, I'll let Frankie know you're coming, she'll lead you to the class

I left the Office

But I could hear Headmsitress's words:

- Can't believe this happened...


After me and Frankie entered the class

I was greeted by our teacher:

A/N - Doing screenshots from Normal Movie (watching on Movies7) can lead to bad graphics sometimes, in my opinion

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A/N - Doing screenshots from Normal Movie (watching on Movies7) can lead to bad graphics sometimes, in my opinion

- Ah, good to see you, Mikhail L/N, right?  

- Yes, but friends call me Misha, sir - I answered to him

- Good to know, I'm Mr. Komos

So he is the teacher Headmistress Bloodgood warned about me

Good to know

- I'll go sit back on my place - Frankie said to me and sat next on her place, Clawdeen was with her

- I'll go sit back on my place - Frankie said to me and sat next on her place, Clawdeen was with her

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Clawdeen raised her hand

And asked:

- Mr. Komos, quick question. Are all humans bad?

I found this question normal, unlike everyone present in class

They started laughing

Till I roared at them:

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