Chapter 16 - What happened last night

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This was an interesting night, not gonna lie

But... For some reason...

I start having a feeling someone was following us this whole time...

I seriously need to talk with Headmistress Bloodgood about it


We were in the sitting at the table

Talking about how to get the ingridients we need:

- Okay, for the mist of releasing spell, there's a few ingredients
we need to find. - Draculaura said to us

Frankie smiled and asked:

- Like a scavenger hunt? I love it

- So, what ingridients exactly we need? - I asked

- Most of these are easy - Draculaura answered - Witch hazel, rosemary, mayonnaise-- she then stopped - but a couple are harder. Powdered mace wing, ogre bone-- - Clawdeen stopped her

- Ogre bone?

- Yeah, why? - Draculaura asked her

- Woah, woah, woah! - I looked at Clawdeen - You can't be serious, Clawdeen!

- I am, Misha - she answered - Bloodgood's mug, it's pure ogre bone. And we need a bit of it only

- Well, sorry, I'm not helping here - and with that I started leaving

- Where are you going? - Frankie asked me

I ignored her and left


- So, have you found anything, that could help us with "Expel the Enemy" warning? - Headmistress Bloodgood asked me, she needed to know

- In a way, yes - I answered to her - Me and Clawdeen found a very secure-looking stone structure. And... I believe it's where Mr. Hyde's laboratory is

- Ah, yes - Headmistress said - Eddy had a laboratory, but it was hidden very well, noone knew, where it can be. Where this structure is? 

- The Graveyard

- The Graveyard?! - Headmistress was surprised - Our students, even Humans, are not allowed to go there!

- Well, me and Clawdeen were interested in finding it - I answered - And I guess we found what we were looking for. But now, all we need to do is find a way to open the entrance 

Headmistress sighed and looked at me:

- Okay, if inside of this structure is Hyde's laboratory, let me know. By the way, I hope noone was following you

I started remembering the previous night

- Actually, I have a feeling someone was following us the whole time - I answered to her - Don't know, who, but I don't like this

- Strange, that's very strange - Headmistress was confused - Someone wants to walk inside and find Hyde's laboratory too? That's strange, don't you think?

 I was about to answer, but then her stomach started growling

- Sorry, need to leave, you may go

I quickly left the Office

And came back into the room

To be continued...

A/N - Sorry, if Chapter is short, I was need to make myself (book self) to leave the Ghouls and tell Headmistress what happened last night

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