Chapter 18 - Eddy Hyde's secret laboratory

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- Witchcraft is forbidden, just like having Humans, in Monster High, Misha - Headmistress told me - You became an exception, but- - I stopped her here

- Headmistress... - and showed my book - I was interested myself in Witchcraft since started living with Clawdeen and her father, who became a father to me as well. When Clawdeen found out, she was surprised. But she accepted the fact, along with father, that I love Witchcraft

- Misha... You can't be serious... - Headmistress said, she couldn't believe in what I was saying

- But I am - I simply answered - And it's Draculaura's choice - what she wants in life. I understand Count Dracula wants to protect her, but he can't do it forever. True, he's undead, but one way or another, he'll have to accept the fact he can't watch over Draculaura forever

- ... Okay - Headmistress sighed - I understand you, Misha. I'll try to talk with Dracula about it. You may go now

I left the Office


I was at the Graveyard

Waiting for the Ghouls

- "It's true you could try to open the door, the entrance, by yourself" - Max told me - "Even I back then said you can try, if the spell will not work. But now I think it'll be better to let Clawdeen do this"

- "Think you're right" - I transformed my hand from monster to human and started looking at it

When the Ghouls arrived...

- Finally! - I said, catching their attention - We don't have much time. Founder's Day is starting in few minutes, if not seconds, so let's please be quick

- Misha, you okay? - Clawdeen asked me - Plus, you were visiting Headmistress's Office a lot lately

- I'm fine - I sighed - Sorry. As for Headmistress's Office - I was telling everything we were doing

- Are you crazy?! - Draculaura asked me

- Yes, Misha, why tell Headmistress about it? - Frankie joined

- She must know - I simply answered

Max appeared on my shoulder and before disappearing, said:

- Oh, for the love of GOD! Just open the Godddamn door!

Clawdeen approached the door

Her hand became human

And... It worked

- Holy headless horsewoman! - Clawdeen couldn't believe it - It worked!

I, while they were talking, already walked inside

Once inside, I saw a body in front of me

Once inside, I saw a body in front of me

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I approached it

- "Max. any ideas?" - I asked him

- "Hmmm.... Check the eye"

I looked at the eye

- "What's with the eye?" - I was a bit confused

- "The eye, possibly, is the button" - Max said to me - "Don't ask, don't know, why I have such a guess"

- Misha, you found anything interesting? - Clawdeen asked me

- I think so - Ghouls approached me - Me and Max think this guy's eye is a button

- Then touch it - Draculaura said

I did what was told


That's when the door appeared in front of us, while a wall, that was hiding it, disappeared

After we rid off of the board and opened the door...

We found it

Eddy Hyde's secret laboratory

But we weren't expecting someone to follow us...

To be continued....

A/N - The End is near.

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