Chapter 14 - About Deuce and Cleo have pimples

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- While it's true you said Monster High is not allows Humans be present in it - I said - But... I doubt Human's presence is the reason this warning appeared

- You sure? - Headmistress was confused - How come?

- Again, I'm not sure - I said

- Okay, let's do this this way - Headmistress said to me with serious look on her face - If you and Clawdeen will find something, that can give us answers - immediately let me know

- Okay, will do - I answered with a nod

- You can go

As soon as Headmistress said it, I left the Office


I was back in the room I was sharing with Draculaura, Frankie and Clawdeen

- So, what can you tell me? - I asked Max, while preparing food for him

- Students are good in my eyes - he answered - But I'm still not sure about Cleo

- That Cleopatra-like monster girl?

- Yes, her - Max nodded his head - Still hard to believe Deuce was dating her

- Well, I don't blame him - was my simple answer - If I were on his place, believe me, I would've done the same thing he did - then sighed and asked him next - And what you think about Headmistress Bloodgood and Mr. Komos

- Headmistress is cool - he answered - But Mr. Komos.... I have a feeling that "Expel the Enemy" appeared cause of him and not you and Clawdeen being Half-Human and Half-Monster. No, - he looked at me - I'm not saying I'm 100% sure, it's my own guess.

Someone was opening the door

We chose to be quiet

Draculaura entered the room

- Hi - she said, not even looking at me

Entered inside her coffin and started reading a book she had in her hands

Me and Max looked at each other in confusion

What's with her?

Why so cold?

Soon Clawdeen and Frankie walked in and they were talking with each other

Everyone was in pajamas

Even I, when entered the room

And when Frankie said:

- Your intense emotional reaction makes perfect sense. It's so interesting
when monsters are attracted to each other. My spleen wrote a lot about it,
actually. It was Shakespeare's.

Clawdeen answered to her:

- I'm not attracted to him.

But I told her:

- Oh, please, Clawdeen, it's 100% written on your face you like him, you're into him

- Misha, not you too!

- I agree with Misha - Frankie said to Clawdeen - I mean, I totally get it.
He's handsome, nice--

- No, no, no, no, no-- - Clawdeen tried to stop her from saying it

- A little dangerous-- - but after Frankie said this word, she was eventually stopped, as Clawdeen told her

- No, I don't like him.

- Too loud - Draculaura told Clawdeen

I was about to read my own book

As we heard the door opening and Cleo entered the room, saying:

- Hi, I couldn't help but overhear you have a crush on Deuce.

- More than too loud - Max said, surprising her

- A talking cat?

- You have something against me being able to talk? - Max asked her and jumped on my bed

I was reading the book

But  Cleo talking was getting on my nerves ever since she started talking

I was about to cast a spell, but I noticed Draculaura doing that

It surprised me

She like Witchcraft too?

I overheard her words:

- Perfect skin in it's place, put a pimple on her face

And when Cleo finished with:

- You don't stand a chance, little puppy.

- Girl, you need to take a look at a mirror - I said to her - You, I'm very much sure, have a little friend on your perfect skin - I told her

- What? - she asked, shaking her head

- He's not lying - Draculaura answered - You seriously need to take a look at a mirror

Frankie gave Cleo a mirror

And when Cleo saw herself there, she screamed as loud as possible 

And when Cleo saw herself there, she screamed as loud as possible 

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and exclaimed:

- I never get pimples! I have perfect skin! - and while sobbing, she left our room

- Good riddance - was all I said

Then Headmistress's voice was heard from the intercom:

- Attention. Curfew is now in effect. Students, for your safety,
please report to your dorm rooms
and stay there. Nocturnal feeders, please report
to the cafeteria.

- No more eating in the halls - Draculaura said and closed the coffin

- That's our cue. - Clawdeen told me and Frankie

We smiled as well and left the school

Time to check the graveyard

To be continued...

A/N - Another Chapter, another day to relax after it. Now, I chose I'll make a FNIA Story (another one), will be based on Fatal Fire Studios' Game (still in development even if). See ya soon

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