Chapter 17 - School is alive

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- Strange, that's very strange - Headmistress was confused - Someone wants to walk inside and find Hyde's laboratory too? That's strange, don't you think?

I was about to answer, but then her stomach started growling

- Sorry, need to leave, you may go

I quickly left the Office

And came back into the room


I was back in the room

I asked Max:

- What you think? Must we find Mr. Komos and ask him about someone following us last night?

- No! - he yelled at me - Bad idea! I'm not saying it's not possible it is him, who followed us and that he's the one, cause of whom "Expel the Enemy" appeared on the wall. But we better not ask him about it, be better to be quiet

- Fine - was all I said

That's when we heard growling and shrieking

And lights, lamps, started flicking, just like back there

In the science archives

It can't be a coincedence

I closed my ears with hands

And Max - his with paws

- What is that?

- How can I know?! - Max asked back

Then we heard someone screaming

Max hid in the ring

And I ran downstairs

And saw next scene

The Gorgoyle statue destroyed in pieces

- What happened here? - I asked them all - And what was this whole growling and shrieking?

- Noone got hurt, thankfully - Headmistress answered to me - Misha, we must have a talk about it

- Understood - was my simple answer


We were at Headmistress's Office

Once again

- Misha, you and Clawdeen must find the reason to this all as fast as possible - Headmistress told me - If the reason won't be found - the school, most likely, will tear itself apart

- I understand, we are planning to return at the Graveyard, anyways - I answered to her - But... All this growling and shrieking...

- Yes - Headmistress said - School is alive. I'm sure one of the students you met told you, when you only came here

- ....

She's right

Ghoulia told me school is alive

And that my room will find me

Not I will find it

.... Now I understand the full meaning of her words

- Plus - Headmistress added - Founder's Day will start very soon. You must hurry, find the laboratory and let me know

I nodded

And was about to leave

But noticed a book

- Isn't that Draculaura's book?

- Witchcraft is forbidden, just like having Humans, in Monster High, Misha - Headmistress told me - You became an exception, but- - I stopped her here

- Headmistress... - and showed my book - I was interested myself in Witchcraft since started living with Clawdeen and her father, who became a father to me as well. When Clawdeen found out, she was surprised. But she accepted the fact, along with father, that I love Witchcraft

- Misha... You can't be serious... - Headmistress said, she couldn't believe in what I was saying

- But I am - I simply answered - And it's Draculaura's choice - what she wants in life. I understand Count Dracula wants to protect her, but he can't do it forever. True, he's undead, but one way or another, he'll have to accept the fact he can't watch over Draculaura forever

- ... Okay - Headmistress sighed - I understand you, Misha. I'll try to talk with Dracula about it. You may go now

I left the Office

To be continued...

A/N - We with each Chapter coming to a finish line. Enjoy, while still can

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