Chapter 21 - Biological father's death and The End

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I was then thrown on the ground

Landed not too far from Clawdeen

- He... - I was trying to ask - Took my powers... away... right?

- Sadly - she answered - And Max was killed

Draculaura showed me Max's lifeless body...

- And here I thought... This fight will be very easy... What an Idiot I am...

I lost consciousness


I woke up

Bandages were everywhere, where I was hurt

... I still remembered Max's lifeless body...

Interesting, what happened after I lost consciousness?

I left the Med Room

A/N - It was Med Room

I saw Clawdeen with Draculaura, Frankie, Deuce, Heath, Abbey, Cleo and Lagoona

But I was surprised to see father, Alex and Sarah

I approached them

- Hey, everyone - I said

- Misha! - they exclaimed and ran to me

I asked them what happened after I lost consciousness

They explained everything

- Well, good to know - I said - He won't be a problem for us anymore

But then Max... 

- And Max?

- Sorry, Misha - Cleo said to me - He's no longer here...

I sighed...

- Misha L/N, Clawdeen Wolf - we heard Headmistress's voice and looked at her - We need to talk

She told us she, after the truth was revealed, chose to "let" old man visit the school

We waited for his arrival

Count Dracula was with us

When HE appeared

And the Portal closed

He noticed me

- There you are! - started approaching me - You're coming with me!

- Not happening, Mr. L/N - Headmistress said his final name in anger - We know the truth... Can't believe you forced your ONLY son to go throught this all... Not only that... But also killing my friend, Misha's mother... You basically, making a deal with Mr. Hyde, made a deal with the Devil... As for your son... He's no longer yours. He's living with Clawdeen Wolf and her father - she pointed at Clawdeen and father - And he's no longer Misha L/N (Real Name), thanks to you, he's Misha L/N (Dragon Name)

- Tch... I see... - he said, not surprised - Junior/Mr. Komos failed to finish my job... No matter... - prepared the belt - I'll do it myself!

But he was stopped by Count Dracula

- May I have permission? - he looked at me

I smiled

- You may

Old man started panicking

Count Dracula bit his neck

And started drinking his blood

After finishing, ripped old man apart

- Say Hello to Mr. Hyde and his son from all of us - was all, what Count said to a lifeless body

Back at school...

After my biological father was dealt with

Headmistress gave an announcment:

- Hello, Monster High. I am proud to announce that a new moon has risen over these hallowed halls. From now on, true monster heart will mean exactly that, who you truly are on the inside. And so I ask you to join me in welcoming our first-- well, second and third, but first officially
known students with human blood, Clawdeen Wolf and Misha L/N!

Everyone was happy for me and Clawdeen

They all started applausing and cheering

We started singing, while at the same time, father, Alex and Sarah were getting to know our new friends, and the entire school itself

A/N - Sorry, but I skip this song, cause it's long, plus, I have plans for other books...


Unknown woman was watching evetyone singing throught the magical ball

But the one, who caught her eyes...

Was Draculaura...

- She is the one - she said - the key to destroying the vampires once and for all. Bring her to me.

To be continued....

A/N - In the 2nd Movie, if it'll ever be out, especially seeing people hating this Movie...

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