Chapter 7 - First Day at School

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- What were you doing? - Clawdeen asked me

- Nothing personal - was my simple answer - Just ripped the part of the photo and burned it - I returned both photos into my bag

- But why? - Frankie asked me - Is it cause on it was someone or something, who/what made you angry?

- ... Sorry, but yes - I answered - Yes, the part of the photo I burned, had someone, who I hate with all my heart, I mean... - I sighed - He ruined my life. But who and how - I can't tell you. Now if you'll excuse me - I'd like to go to sleep - and with that, I picked up my pajamas and entered the bathroom, where changed my clothes

... Tomorrow is a new day

... First day at school


- Good morning, Monster High! - Headmistress' voice was heard throught the intercom - Classes begin today. A reminder to all amphibious students to hydrate often.

While we were walking

Clawdeen was very happy and impressed, looking around

- I can't believe it, school! Here we are,walking down a hallway with other kids like in the movies. This is so cool, Frankie, Misha.

 This is so cool, Frankie, Misha

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I smiled and answered:

- I know, Clawdeen.

- This is all very confusing. - Frankie said, following us and walking... interestingly - Most of my human parts were self-taught or grew up before schools existed. - then asked - Am I walking right, high school-ish?

- Don't worry, Frankie - I answered to her - Believe me if I were like you, I would've been having questions like that too.

- Oh, okay - but then Frankie continued - What kind of movies did you watch to prepare for this?

- I doubt we watched any - was my answer

- Also, what's a movie?

- Wait, what? -  I was confused - Then why you asked about what kind of Movies we watched, if don't know what a Movie is?

An electric nimb appeared and quickly disappeared, and Frankie now sounded like a know-it-all person... monster...

- Sorry, I know everything, it's just this whole thing with me acting either I don't know answers or know everything happens from time to time - was her answer

- ... Okay, understand

That's when Clawdeen said happily:

- Cool, these are our lockers.

We approached our lockers

And opened them

And opened them

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Monster High: The Movie - Self-Insert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now