Chapter 13 - Expel the Enemy

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Headmistress's voice was heard via the intercom:

- Mikhail L/N, please report to Headmistress's Office

- Why Headmistress needs you? - Clawdeen asked me

- I don't know - I answered - She left me for a while till I left and with Frankie went to the class. Let's hope it's nothing bad


I entered Headmistress Bloodgood's Office

- You wanted to see me, Headmistress Bloodgood? - I asked her

- Yes, I did - was her simple answer, then she got up and said - Come with me


We were looking at the "Expel the Enemy" letter, which looked like it was written in actual blood

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We were looking at the "Expel the Enemy" letter, which looked like it was written in actual blood

- Is that written in blood? Who does that? - Mr. Komos asked, he was also present

- It's not coming off - the monster janitor said, trying to clean the wall

- Scrub harder, Greigor. - was Headmistress's simple answer

It caused Greigor look at her and say in annoyance:

It caused Greigor look at her and say in annoyance:

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- Thanks, that's useful.

- I'm so confused. - Mr. Komos said to me and Headmistress Bloodgood - I thought our students
were above this type of pathetic vandalism. Not cool. What you think of it, Misha?

- I'm not sure - was my answer - But... Let's hope it was only a student and this was just some sort of prank

- Agreed - Headmistress said - Let's hope so - and started leaving, but looked at me - Mr. L/N, come with me

I followed her


We were back in Headmistress's Office

I introduced Max to her

- It's nice to meet you, Headmistress Bloodgood - Max said to her - I'm Max, Master Misha's companion

- Nice to meet you too, Max - she said back with a smile

He looked at me and throught telepathy said:

- "I did what you asked me"

- "Okay, we'll talk about it later" - I answered back 

- So - Headmistress started - Misha, do you have any idea, why what we saw appeared?

- I can't be 100% sure, Headmistress - was my answer - But... I think it's a warning

- A warning? - she asked me - Explain, please

- While it's true you said Monster High is not allows Humans be present in it - I said - But... I doubt Human's presence is the reason this warning appeared

- You sure? - Headmistress was confused - How come?

- Again, I'm not sure - I said

- Okay, let's do this this way - Headmistress said to me with serious look on her face - If you and Clawdeen will find something, that can give us answers - immediately let me know

- Okay, will do - I answered with a nod

- You can go

As soon as Headmistress said it, I left the Office

To be continued...

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