Chapter 9 - At Headmistress's Office

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- I said Clawdeen Wolf and Mikhail L/N, to the headmistress's office! - the same voice was heard from the intercom, but more serious now

Clawdeen sighed and said:

- Let's go, Misha

- Don't worry, Clawdeen, I'll be with you, so don't worry


We were in the Headmistress's office

The clock was chiming, the Cuckoo was appearing and screaming

But what was for me and Clawdeen a bit odd

Is a giant clock which looked like an eye, it growled

While... Looking at us?

Headmistress pulled the cup on the table

Headmistress pulled the cup on the table

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On it was written "I Hate Mondays"

On it was written "I Hate Mondays"

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It's funny, cause


Same with Clawdeen, who said:

- Me and Misha hate Mondays, too. So early in the week.

- 100% pure ogre bone, very rare. - Headmistress answered to us, telling how she got that cup - It was given to me by Joan of Arc after her death, of course, which was on a Monday.

We started laughing, but after we stopped, I asked

- Is there a reason why we're here, Headmistress Bloodgood?

Stop for a second

How we know?

Well, let's just say, she's very well known by basically every monster student and teacher

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