Chapter 10 - The Truth

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Headmistress Bloodgood wanted the truth

It was both good and bad

Good - it will be a relief for me

Cause she'll be knowing the truth about old man, my biological father

But bad cause we were told by father Apollo not to reveal our Human selves

- Mr. Komos - Headmistress said, so this Mr. Komos monster knew about me - Mr. L/N will be in my office for a while, don't scold him, when he'll come into class

Then she looked at me

- Now - she started - Let's talk. I have a feeling this Pierre is not your real father

- ... Yes - I answered to her

- May ask who's your real father, maybe I know him? - Headmistress asked me

- I doubt it - I answered - But to be truthful, as a father, he died in my eyes long ago, he, after all, ruined my life

- Ruined? - Headmistress was confused - What do you mean? 

- I... I was Human once - was my answer

- ... You... were... Human? - she was surprised

- Sadly, I'm a Human-Dragon Hybrid - I looked at myself - Old man was doing experiments on me since mother died... He started hating me... Was always telling me it's my fault mother died... His experiments were bringing me nothing, but pain... He was using electrocution on me, lots of times... Was using the belt to beat me up... He was leaving wounds on me... - I showed her my wounds, even if most of them are healed now - He was using a knife for this... He loved, was enjoying my suffering... But the worst part was... when he created a potion... which he forced me to drink... I tried not to let him make me drink it... But... After I drank the potion... And in the end, he started acting innocent and asked for help... Still remember those words of his... - I started copying old man - Help! Please help! There's a monster in my house! He killed my son and wants to do the same to me!

- And what you did? - Headmistress asked me

- I escaped. Thankfully Clawdeen and her father accepted me and let me live with them - I finished

- ... Look, I said, yes, that Humans are not allowed here in Monster High - Headmistress told me - But what happened to you, I can't imagine if anyone of the students were treated by their parents like you...

- And - I said - as for his name. My biological father is Yuri

- Wait... Did you say... Yuri? - Headmistress asked, she was surprised

- Yes

A/N - L/N name my book self has is Dragon name (give it your own ideas). L/N (real name, Human last name) died long ago, ever since myself escaped former real home

- ... So... you must be Mikhail L/N (real name)! - Headmistress said - But you changed it on L/N (Dragon name). I must say, it's impressive Clawdeen and her father accepted new you. 

- But, Headmistress - I looked at her - How you reacted... Is it possible you know my biological father?

- In a way, yes - she answered - I knew your mother, Olga. She was a good person. I never thought something like that will happen... Not only she died, but you suffered from father's hands... To be fair, I always had a bad feeling about him. It was when your real mother was alive and before Monster High was even made. Let's do this that way - your secret will be saved with me, mine - with you. 

- Understood, Ms. Bloodgood - I answered, nodding my head

- Now go - she said - Clawdeen is worried about you, I'm sure. Oh, I'll let Frankie know you're coming, she'll lead you to the class

I left the Office

But I could hear Headmsitress's words:

- Can't believe this happened...

To be continued...

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