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And finally, with Jaeyoung's words, the puzzle was complete. I still couldn't believe they both feel something for me and for each other. What were the odds of this? I was too shocked to even feel shocked, as weird and nonsensical as that sounds. I decided to stop thinking about how it happened and focus on what to do next. After all, it was done. The outcome of this confession was the one I wanted so bad, but believed would have never happened.

And at that moment, all three of us became one. Silence pervaded the room once again, but this time there was no tension in the air. Not even a little bit. We let our souls freely roam around, light and with nothing to weigh them down, no repressed feelings, no secret sentiments being kept from each other.
A single, invisible thread connected us, forming a perfect, equilateral triangle, as our souls merged together. I suddenly felt as if part of Jaeyoung and part of Yuto were in me, and as if two equally important parts of myself had just been handed out to the two of them. It was an incredible feeling, something I had never experienced before, something so intimate and personal.

A new era started for us three. Every single breath we let out was our collective breath. At that moment, even though we didn't use words, we swore to always stay together, to help each other in difficult times, and to fully put our trust in each other.

Again, needing no words, we stood up at the same time. Jaeyoung and Yuto walked up to me and we wrapped each other in a long, warm and comforting group hug. It felt a bit different from any other hug we've ever given each other. Maybe because of the feelings behind it, that had been finally revealed, and that sprinkled our embrace with ever more warmth and affection than usual.

As we hugged, I felt as if I was in another plane of existence. My whole body felt so light, as if my feet could lift themselves up from the floor at any time. Not only could I feel their delicate hands on my back and shoulders, their slender arms wrapping me from both sides, their foreheads touching mine. I could feel their breath, that breath that gave me life. I could feel their heartbeats, those heartbeats that pounded in unison with mine.

We stayed in that hug for a long time, so long I lost my sense of time. It felt like it lasted both 3 seconds and 30 minutes. But a glance at the clock revealed it probably lasted around 5 minutes, which was totally plausible. I slowly felt like I was descending back to earth. I started feeling more things around me, and not only Yuto and Jaeyoung's presence. Everything felt more real, but the odd, almost magical state I was in still wasn't completely gone. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling and looking at my two... boyfriends. Just the thought of referring to them as my boyfriends made a little chill run down my spine. That new status we found ourselves in was simply so exciting.

Then Jaeyoung spoke, breaking the silence that was maybe going on for too long, but that I didn't mind at all. And I didn't mind hearing his low, soothing voice either, as he sweetly said "Guys, it's late. Let's go to sleep, shall we?"
Yuto and I nodded. Even though we weren't feeling tired anymore because of everything that happened that night, we admitted we needed to at least try getting some sleep.

We headed for our bedroom, walking in line, as the rooms in our apartment are extremely narrow. I was the first to walk into the room, and I briefly looked down at our three sad, solitary mattresses.
Suddenly, a lightbulb lit up above my head. I waited for Jaeyoung and Yuto to walk into the room and then looked at them, with a playful smirk on my face. "I think this room needs a little renovation. What do you think?" They both looked at me puzzled, but as I walked to the side of Yuto's middle mattress, their expressions changed. Jaeyoung understood what I wanted to do, so he walked and stood beside me to help me push the mattress toward mine, which was on the left side of the room. Finally, before I even said anything, Jaeyoung had already walked to the side of his mattress on the right, to push it toward the other two. In all of this, Yuto was just standing still, his lips slightly parted in shock, staring at us as we moved the mattresses. I think his face was a bit redder than usual. Upon further inspection, Jaeyoung's face was adorned by a light red tint too. And judging by their looks, mine was probably a bit red too. We all let out little nervous laughs.

"Isn't this room a lot more spacious now?" I jokingly said in between my laughs.

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