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An extremely heavy weight lifted itself from my chest as I saw our Yuto in the peephole. I suddenly forgot everything even slightly negative that had happened between us, like his sudden request to leave for a few weeks and the sadness that pervaded my mind as I thought of the real possible reason he might have left for. The only thing that mattered was that he was finally back. He was supposed to come back the following week, but my initial guess was that he just missed us too much. Still, that wouldn't explain the fact he stopped completely responding to text messages too. I still had questions, but it would all be solved soon, I thought. So for the time being, I simply welcomed him warmly back into our house, our little haven.

We all hugged tightly after I opened the door and let him in. "Yuto! We weren't expecting to see you this soon! Did you enjoy spending time with your parents?" I said, still not letting him go. "Work was so hectic, but we were lucky enough to find some time to go on a few family outings. I had a lot of fun, but I'm so happy to be back!" We let go of each other, but Seungjun and I didn't stop looking at Yuto while smiling widely. We really missed his adorable little face, his squishy cheeks that reminded us of a fresh bread loaf, and his endearing presence as a whole.

I wanted to stare at him a bit more, fully take in his stunning beauty, but Seungjun was a bit more impatient. He needed answers. And I really couldn't blame him for that. Maybe I was just being too nice, too soft. But when Seungjun has an idea, he won't let go of it. He has always been very determined to do anything he felt like doing. And since he already told me he was pretty confused about Yuto not answering the phone, I must have probably seen it coming.

"Yuto, we're so happy you're back, but can we just know why you haven't answered any messages and calls in the past few days? I don't want to blame you for it. I just want to know. Jaeyoung would like an answer too I bet." Yuto's smile vanished. He looked a bit on edge. "I... I worked a lot and didn't have time to check the phone. I'm so sorry guys..." Seungjun let out a sigh. I wasn't sure why he was so on edge for. Maybe he was still a bit mad, but it would have all been fine soon. I put a hand on Yuto's shoulder. "It's okay sweetheart, really. Don't blame yourself for it. We were a bit worried about you, so having a confirmation you were doing fine would have been nice, but it's in the past now. You know you did a little mistake and you're aware of it. That's all that matters, it's nothing our love cannot fix." I hugged Yuto once again. I had missed his warmth so much, even though its presence seemed less apparent as I hugged him. But I decided not to question it. In the end, he just came in after being outside.

But Seungjun didn't join in for the hug. I found this odd, as he's usually the most touchy one among us three. He ultimately ended up hugging us after I sent him a short glare. He was acting odd. I felt like he needed to tell me something, but only to me. Yuto couldn't be around.
A wave of anxiety suddenly hit me. I wasn't sure what Seungjun was planning, but he seemed too on edge for his own good.

"Yuto, do you mind going to our room to unpack your things? I just need to tell Jaeyoung something." Seungjun took a very bold move by saying that. His tone was rough, a bit too rough for my liking. But I think he did it on purpose. He knew it was something wrong to do, because we promised not to have any secrets among us. I had no idea what he was planning, but what happened next surprised us both.

Yuto changed completely in the blink of an eye. He went from our sweet, youngest boyfriend to a literal angry demon in one second. I had never seen him that angry. He was honestly scary, and I never thought I would one day describe him as such. His voice raised to levels I had no idea he could achieve. And I immediately realized Seungjun was right all this time. Something was wrong with Yuto.

"Are you serious?! I come back after weeks, you hug me for a few seconds and then tell me to fuck off because you need to discuss something without me?! Am I just a third wheel to you?! Some boy on the side you can use when you want?! What are you gonna discuss!? Oh, let me guess, how you're gonna make out tonight here in the kitchen as I peacefully sleep?! How your slithery tongues are gonna enter each other's mouths?! How your filthy hands are gonna reach each other's bare skin under your shirts?! I know you don't need me. I bet you had so much fun without me. You don't care about me. You never did."

Seungjun and I stared wide eyed, our mouths opened in shock. That was more than enough proof to attest it wasn't our Yuto. He would never be jealous of us. Definitely not this jealous. I was sure of it.
Seungjun decided to quickly take the matter into his hand. He grabbed Yuto's arm and picked up a sewing needle that was laying on the kitchen countertop. I finally understood what was going on in his mind. I helped him by blocking Yuto from behind. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Leave me alone!!" Yuto yelled. Seungjun did not hesitate to gently puncture Yuto's hand with the needle.

Just like we predicted, he wasn't bleeding. Seungjun did a few more little holes in his hand and arm. No sign of blood. And Yuto didn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort whatsoever.

"You're not our Yuto. You're an android that replaced him."

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