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The wind howled as a bat flew towards an open window of a small castle. The bat transformed, revealing a vampire, famously known as Count Dracula. He slowly crept up to a crib and leaned forward, "Peek-a-boo!" He says, waking up the baby in startlement and making her cry. Dracula shakes his head and picks up the child, "No, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean to startle you, my little baby. Shh, shh, shh." Dracula rocks the child and begins singing, "Hush, little vampire, don't say a word, Papa's gonna bite the head off a bird." His daughter, Mavis, giggles. Dracula tickles Mavis and lowers her on the changing table, "A-bittle goo-bah! I vant to kiss your tush. I vant to kiss your tush!" Dracula changes Mavis' diaper with his magic.

A few years later, Dracula checks the blueprint, "Nice, but maybe a little more square footage. I want a lot of monsters here." The worker and Dracula glance up to see Mavis on the ceiling with a grin. The father smiles and begins chasing Mavis, "I'm gonna get you, little Mavis. I'm gonna get you! Oy." Dracula stops, feeling his back ache from chasing her. Mavis stops and points to the door, "What out there?" Dracula grabs Mavis and shuts the door with his powers, "Oh, we never go out there, ever." In 1982, Dracula was reading Mavis a bedtime story, "And then the monsters ran away and were forced into hiding. But Harry the Human found them and jumped out from under their bed."

"I'm scared!"

"And burned their clothes, and ate their toes! And took their candy!" Dracula glances around to see that Mavis has disappeared from the room. The father peers down from under the bed to see Mavis holding her lollipop, "Don't take my candy."

"Babyclaws, you don't need to be frightened. I promised your mommy I would protect you forever." He sits back up and grabs his guitar; Dracula begins singing. Luring Mavis from under the bed. "My beautiful May-vay, Let me wipe all your poop away, Those humans are nas-tay, So with Daddy, you will stay, And if a human tries to harm you, I'll simply say..." He snarls, then continues singing, "Because you're Daddy's girl, Daddy's girl, I'm your Vlad-y daddy..."

A few days later, Dracula had Mavis wear a helmet and stand on her bed, "Just bend the legs and push off. Trust me, mouse. Ha-ha!" He laughs as Mavis jumps and turns into a bat. "I can fly! I can fly!" She yells. Dracula laughs again, transforming into a bat to join her, "Look at you! Faster, baby! Faster! Whoo-hoo! You got it, my little voodoo doll!"

"Excuse me, sir."

"What? What?" Dracula stops flying to glare at the worker, failing to notice Mavis hitting the wall.

"Ow. I'm okay." She calls out.

"It's ready."

"Looks good. Only monsters can get in?" Dracula asks, joining the worker by the window. The worker nodded with a smile, "Oh, absolutely. It's hidden real nicely." The vampire uses his powers to see the acres of protection. "You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters. Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick. But, of course, be smart. No bonfires, no firework shows." The worker finished.

"Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it." Dracula sighs. As he walks Mavis to the building, Dracula mutters to himself, "It's time, my darling Martha. The place we always talked about for Mavis. No one will ever harm her here."

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