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Dracula opens the party room doors, still in his towel. He glances down and quickly changes into his clothes. Kat and Johnny were sculling as Carol followed behind them. "I can't believe you stuck around, man. You don't get it! Bad things are coming your way. I got to get my thoughts together!" Dracula sucked in a deep breath and turned to the terrible twos, "Okay. You see these tables? You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planners."

Johnny and Kat grumbled, "Well, fantastic. We're trapped here."

"Now we know how your daughter feels."

Carol stood next to Dracula as Kat and Jonathan pushed the tables with a loud scratch. Carol covered her ears and glared at them as Dracula grew irritated, "Enough! Enough! Stop! Go to your corner; you're in a timeout!" He shouted at them. Johnny stopped pushing the table, and Kat glared at the vampire, "Timeout?! I'm a grown man!"

"And woman!"

Dracula throws Jonathan and Kat away to the corner, puts a thumb in Jonathan's mouth, spins them around to look at the wall, and makes them sit down. "Okay." Dracula claps his hands, "Table 57, please move to position 23." The said table 57 flies and lands in its position. Kat and Johnny turned around to watch, "Whoa! That. Is. Cool." The two spoke at once. Dracula spins them back to the wall, "Face the wall." Carol watches as Dracula continues working on the tables, "17 to 48. 16 to 47. 19 to 50." Carol turns to see Johnny and Kat watching again.


"Just let me do my work already! 29 to 35. 42 to 18. 10 to 44. 39 to 24."

Johnny manages to free his thumb and count the tables, "17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23...? 36 up!" The table Johnny jumped on floated in the air, and Johnny laughed. Dracula counted one more table before noticing Johnny.

"29 to 35."

Johnny lays on his back, laughing as Dracula glares up at him, "Whoa! Ha-ha! Whoa! Ha-ha-ha!" "31 to 19." Drac ordered. The table flies up and hits the table Johnny is on, making him fall down and land on the other table. Johnny-Stein glares at the vampire before getting the table he was on to float, "24 up!"

"Seven to 25. 14 to 30."

Johnny-Stein zips past Dracula, grabbing Carol and Kat, "Oh, where'd you go, grandpa?" Johnny taunts. Carol felt hands grab her waist, and she hung upside down. "Don't freak out, gravity face." Dracula teases, making Johnny and Kat peer up to see Carol with the vampire hanging above them. Johnny and Kat laughed, "Eat our dust, gray face!" Kat mocks as Johnny makes the table go faster. Dracula made the table they were on straighten up, and they smiled, "56 and 43, to my side."


Drac shouts, "Prepare to cry, Billy Backpack." Carol was laughing and holding onto Dracula's arm. Johnny made the table slide on the roof, and Kat laughed full-on, "That's how we do a half-pipe, baby!" Dracula rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Whatever."

Outside of the doors, Quasimodo and Esmeralda were sniffing the floor, searching for the humans, "Yes. Keep smelling. You catch the human, and then I will make human potpie!" He leans against the door, hearing laughter and teasing. Carol called out the tables back in the room, "27, 45, 65, 76, 48, block his path. Block his path!"

Dracula laughs as the tables block Johnny and Kat. The two glanced at each other with a smile and jumped between the tables, "Whoa-ho!" They landed on the following table on the other side, laughing. "Oh, come on now, dude, man! Nice!" Drac and Carol jumped through an opening and ran out of tables to jump, "Haha! Whoa-ho-ho!"

Drac grabs Carol just as Johnny and Kat catch them, "I got you, buddy." All four of them were laughing and passed shrunken heads on doors, "Do not disturb! People trying to sleep here!" A witch maid screams and towels in her hands fly in the air, blinding them for a moment. They ripped the towels off their face and looked up to see a Suit of Armor in the hall. They grabbed each other and screamed as they crashed into it.

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