A Vampire Promise

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Dracula was singing Mavis another song on their first night in their new home. A storm was brewing outside, making the windows rattle and shake. Mavis was enjoying the music when a thump was heard near the window. The vampire stopped singing and quickly stood up. Mavis hid under the bed as Dracula peered out the window. A lump was on the ground near the Hotel doors. "Stay here," Dracula spoke, closing his daughter's door. Mavis crawled out of bed to see her father standing over the strange lump on the ground.


Dracula quickly ran out the doors to see what was on the ground. Slowly approaching the lump, the vampire realized it was a figure under a large blanket. Gripping the blanket, he slowly pulled it away to reveal a young... HUMAN!?

Mavis gasped and quickly hid back under her bed.

Dracula jumped back in shock to see the human at the hotel's doorstep. The vampire studies the human, taking in their details. The human was female, around the same height as Mavis, with black hair, pale white skin, and most likely a child. Roughly eight in human years. Dracula felt something strange in his chest. A fatherly instinct. He rubbed the back of his neck and turned around to see some workers approach him in confusion. "How did this child get here?" Dracula questioned in false anger. The monsters couldn't answer that question. Mavis returned to the window to see that the human had never moved. She sucked in a deep breath and bolted out of her room, down the stairs, past the lobby, and through the hotel doors. She was catching everyone's attention.

Dracula quickly stops his daughter, "Mavis! I told you to stay in your room!"

"Is that human breathing?" Mavis asked, trying to take a closer look at the human girl. Her father peered over his shoulder at the human, "Mavis, back inside." The little vampire gazes up at her father, "Daddy--"

"Take her inside," Dracula ordered one of the workers. A housekeeping witch takes Mavis's hand, leading her back inside. The Count turned back to the human child and noticed her eyelids moving. The girl flashed her green eyes open and quickly sat up in fear. Dracula blinked at the child as she stared at all of the monsters. Her bottom lip quivered, and her shoulders shook.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She asked, her voice shaking in fright. The fatherly instinct kicked Dracula in the chest again, and the vampire knew what to do. Risk or not. He approached the child and softly gazed at her, "What is your name, child?"

The human girl flinched, noticing the vampire's fangs. Dracula realized this and quickly closed his mouth, hiding his sharp fangs. "If I tell you my name," The girl began, "Will you tell me yours?" The workers gazed at the girl in confusion. She didn't seem like a threat to them, and she challenged their Master for each other's name. Dracula frowns, covering his amused smile, "Very well."

"Carol." She spoke, her voice growing in confidence.

Dracula lightly smiled at the child, then faced his workers, "All of you, back inside." They all obeyed and returned to the hotel. The father glances back at Carol, "All right, Carol. I am Count Dracula." The vampire bent down to Carol's height. Carol tilts her head at the vampire, "Dracula? I thought you were just a story."

"A story?"

"Yeah!" Carol stands up in excitement, "You're, like, the most well-known vampire ever!" Dracula was taken aback by this strange news. Carol grins widely, jumping up and down on her feet, "This is amazing!" She squealed. The father quickly grabs Carol's shoulders, stopping her from leaping into the air.

"Carol, how did you get here?"

The girl shrugged, "I don't know. All I remember was that I was at home. I heard a strange noise outside, went to look, and, well, here I am." The girl glances at the hotel, "What is this place anyway?"

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