Never Return

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After the Scooter incident, everyone made their way to the pool area. The Fly that did the charades instructed monsters to do stretches, "And pull it back. And up. And push. And twist. And back. And up. And twist. And push." He vomits in his hand and rubs them together. The monsters in the pool tried copying him, but he stopped them, "No. Don't copy that. And back. And up. And twist."

Carol and Kat walked up to the pool, wearing two black bathing suits Mavis lent them, and sat next to Johnny at the table.

Carol and Kat walked up to the pool, wearing two black bathing suits Mavis lent them, and sat next to Johnny at the table

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"Let me get a bubonic moose nose omelet with cockroach paste and mouse jelly. And with egg whites." Frank ordered at the food table as Dracula stood nearby, watching Carol, wondering if she remembered being at the hotel in 1982. "She seems comfortable being here." Drac pondered. Quasimodo makes his appearance by Dracula's side, "Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula! May I make you an omelet?"

Dracula shakes his head and watches the monsters around him, "No, no, no, no. I'm not hungry." Quasimodo's rat was sniffing around and jumped on Quasimodo's nose, squeaking, "What? Esmeralda, you smell it again?!" Dracula flinches as Quasimodo yells, "Human!!"

"I am hungry." The vampire smacks Esmeralda away, making her fly into Eunice's hair as she asks Johnny about the Taj Mahal, "Johnny, you've been to the Taj Mahal?" Carol heard a monster splash in the water while listening to Johnny talk about his travels. Murray leans on the table as a waiter hands him a plate of bugs, "Come on. No monster's been to the Taj."

Mavis was staring at Johnny like a lovesick puppy, "Man, I wish I could go there." Dracula watches them and turns to Quasimodo, "You know what? I'll take 50 omelets." Quasimodo turns to the Gargoyle waiter and hits him, "You heard the man! Make them!" Dracula quickly made his way to the table, holding a bagel.

"How did you deal with the mobs?"

"Yeah, it does get pretty crazy in the summer, but you know, you just gotta roll," Johnny answered. Kat laughed, "He just rolls. That's cool that he rolls." Carol felt uncomfortable suddenly. Kat was enjoying herself too much at the Hotel. Dracula appears, startling Mavis and Johnny, "Yes, yes, cool. Look, love droppings, I brought you a bagel with your favorite, scream cheese." The cheese lifts up and screams. Mavis grins, taking the bagel, "Holy rabies! Thanks, Dad! Johnny, try some scream cheese; it's awesome." She sets the bagel in Johnny's hands as the cheese continues to scream, "Oh, cool. But I'm scream cheese intolerant. So, polite pass." Carol noticed Mavis offering some scream cheese, so she didn't hesitate to try some, "Wow! That's good!"

Dracula stares down at Johnny, "Yes, of course, you are. Johnny, Kat, can we party-plan talk for a minute?" He grabs the two and whispers to them, "What are you doing? If they find out you're human, they'll go bat-poop!"

"Relax! No one suspects anything." Johnny whispers back. "The only thing that looks weird is how much whispering you're doing," Kat added, making Dracula glance up to see some monsters watching them. The vampire pushes them to the side, "Just wrap it up! You will say you are going in the pool and act excited. And then you will say you hurt your back, and you have to leave!" He growled, making them stomp to the pool.

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