Party Time

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Carol POV:

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked as Dracula led the way, holding a candelabra. "Just getting rid of you through a secret tunnel so she does not see us." The vampire answers gravely, mentioning Mavis. "So, can I ask you a question? Is that real about the garlic thing?" Kat wonders, walking behind Drac. "Yes, I cannot have it. My throat swells." He answers, pointing to his throat.

"Huh. Wooden stake to the heart?"

"Yeah, well, who wouldn't that kill?" Dracula sarcastically answers with a huff. I realized a wall up ahead, and before I could warn Dracula, he smacked into it and growled. We continued going through tunnels until Dracula stopped next to a torch on the wall, "Ah. Here we go." He flips it down to reveal a bedroom with two fleas on the bed, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little lost. Yes, I know it's your honeymoon. I apologize. Go back to doing what you were doing." Dracula closed the door, and we continued walking through different sections.

"I'm not down here much. It's meant to be an exit if humans ever invade." The vampire groaned. "So, like, we're the first humans here, huh? That's really cool." I muttered. Dracula glances at me with a slight frown. We traveled down some stairs, but I felt air under my feet. I was tugged back and noticed Dracula holding my cape. We enter the catacombs, and Dracula sees another door, "Oh, boy. I think this is it." He opens the door, showing the Skeleton Wife having a shower.

"Ahhh! What happening?" The Skeleton Wife yelps. I covered Johnny's eyes as Kat covered her own. Dracula gasps, "I am terribly sorry! Uh, my mistake!" The Skeleton Husband bursts in and pull the curtain aside, "What is wrong with you people?!" He throws a loofah at Dracula, and he closes the door. I take the loofah off of Drac and used my cape to wipe his face dry. Kat was grinning at me as the vampire's face gave a light tint on his cheeks.

Drac, Johnny, Kat, and I were walking in the catacombs, trying to find a way out. "Oh, man, this place is amazing!" Johnny says in awe as we walk in a low tunnel, moving our legs like a monkey. "Okay, I could really use some silence right now," Drac grunted. I was silent, thinking about why Drac kept peering over his shoulder at me. "Probably just to make sure we are still following him." I thought to myself.

We reached another torch, and Drac sighed, "All right, third time's a..." The door opens to reveal a fight between Drac's friends and three zombies. He tried to close the door, but it was jammed, "So, this was the emergency." I whispered. Frankenstein glances up at us, "Drac." Dracula pushes us back behind the wall, "Yes, Frankie?"

"Hey, buddy, what you been doing?" Frank releases the zombie. "Don't move." Dracula whispers to us, "Never mind that. What you been doing?" He asks, walking up to the werewolf, Mummy, and Frankenstein. "We wanted to practice our big number for Mavis' party, and then these losers wouldn't get off the bandstand." The werewolf answered with a zombie in his mouth.

My eyes widened; that's Wayne, Murray, and of course, Frank. But where is Griffin? A memory crossed my mind; I remember playing with Mavis when I was TEN! I was here before! I snapped my attention back to Drac, "Okay. Put down Zombie Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven this instant." Frank, Murray, and Wayne throw them across the room, and they land next to Dracula, "Did you get to rehearse at all, Zombie Beethoven?" He asked once the zombies stood up. Zombie Beethoven answered with a shake of his head, "Eh eh eh eh." Wayne stepped up to Drac, "Listen, Drac, we wanted to play something like old times. We even thought maybe you'd sing with us." My eyebrow rose in surprise. Kat hummed, and Johnny stared at them.

Drac closes his cape around him, "Come on, fellas. You know that I haven't sung in public since Martha." I blinked, remembering that Drac told me about Martha when I first came to Hotel Transylvania. "Yeah, but we just thought how much, you know, Mavis would love it." Frank tried to reason before Drac roared with his monster face, "I said no! Don't ask me again! Okay. Now, let's hug the zombies. Let's all make up." He turned to the side and waited for them to hug the zombies. Wayne turns to Frank, "Wow. He really scared you." Frank tries to cover up his shock, knowing that Wayne and Murray also tried to cover their shock, "I wasn't scared. I was being polite, okay?"

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